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It's going to be a long haul.... and misc. rants.

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    It's going to be a long haul.... and misc. rants.

    We've just joined the ranks of the LDR's, and I must say it's very hard. I see people here with thousands of miles between them and it's so very inspiring. I almost feel bad for complaining about our distance which is only 150 miles. We will be seeing each other every other weekend. We used to see each other every single day, for the last 7 months, so the transition has been difficult. Joining this site has been so uplifting and refreshing! This past weekend was our first weekend together since he moved and although it was sad to say goodbye, it now feels as if we are closer than ever. It's as if this weekend solidified our relationship and made our long-term plans more crystal clear.

    We've had things other distance going against us. He's a lot younger than me, so that's been hard too. It's not a problem for us, but it's unconventional and people aren't used to seeing an older woman with a younger man. Thanks to Ashton and Demi for bringing light to these types of couples, but it does take some getting used to when people stare at you! He thinks that I'm being paranoid, but people do stare! He could care less, it's me that gets a little uncomfortable with it. I think being away from each other will help me with that. As we have limited time together, I am caring less about what people think, and more about spending quality time with my man, no holds barred!

    Welp, done ranting. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    well welcome to the hard but amazing journey of long distance relationships, hell if people have an issue with him being younger then you then thats there problem, pay no attention to them at all. It's good that you can visit each other alot though, that should help alot


      Don't ever feel bad about complaining here. =] That is what LFAD is for, support. ^_^ I think there is another couple here in a similar situation (with the just-long-enough-not-to-see-each-other distance and the every other weekend thing, or something similar) so you're not totally alone. Plus you've got the rest of us LFAD'ers. I'm glad you feel like your relationship has been solidified by this, though. You have to take a positive outlook with LDRs and try to let them boost the relationship instead of tearing it apart. It looks like you guys are already on a good start to that.

      P.S. It made me smile that you think us bicoastal/bicontinental/really far apart couples are inspirational. XD


        Best wishes in your relationship!


          Distance is distance! It's not easy no matter the number! The SO is only 740 miles away...I say only bc he's in the Military and over-seas deployment would mean thousands of miles! You're lucky to see your SO every other weekend but if it's not something you're used to it'll be something you'll have to learn to cope with. And we're here to support you and give you advice when we can! WELCOME!


            Thank you everyone! And you are right, distance is distance! We don't get the instant gratification that CDR's get, but like I said I think that makes us stronger.

