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Introducing him to my family. HELP.

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    Introducing him to my family. HELP.

    I have been with my SO for almost 8 months. We got together last April and met irl on July until September, but I needed to go back home because of an important reason. Then he promised that on January, it would be his turn to visit me here. I am considering having him stay in my house because for 3 weeks, his hotel bill will be expensive. But I don't know how I can ask my parents if he can stay here because my parents are strict when it comes to their kids having a boyfriend. So I really don't know what to do. I know it is hard to come up to them and say, "Mom, I need to go to the airport because my boyfriend from France is coming over." or "Mom, can my boyfriend who came all the way to France is coming, can he stay here at home for 3 weeks?"

    I find it very difficult because I want to spend the 3 weeks with him exploring nice places here in the country. I want to make the most of the time with him because the next time I can go and visit him is for another year.

    Any suggestions? Anyone who has been in this situation?

    Does she know you have a boyfriend? I imagine she would seeing as how you went to visit for a period of time. Do you have a spare bedroom? I think that as long as you lay out some group rules about sleeping arrangements then just ask. Say 'Mom, ___would like to come visit, would he be able to stay here with us?"


      Definitely been there before. I'm not very open with my relationships so suddenly telling my mom I had a boyfriend and that he was coming to visit and that he was staying with us... was not easy for me.

      But you just gotta do it. And that's really it. Best of luck!


        Well no, because since my parents are strict, they don't want me to be in a relationship while I'm studying, but I am already done with studying, just waiting for my graduation. So that's why they also don't know that I went to France and got to be with him during our spare times. And yes, we do have a spare bedroom.

        This is why I have a big problem right now because they don't know that I have a boyfriend for almost 8 months already. x.x


          Well really, you should have started thinking about this before. But you can start now. Start mentioning him as a friend in conversations, like "Oh my friend in France loves spaghetti!" or whatever. Finally, tell them he wants to come visit to see your country. This will ease the blow of "I've been dating for months".

          Or if you just don't want them to know, split the hotel bill.


            lucybelle, May I ask how you told your mom that you have been dating someone for a while since you mentioned that you're not really very open to your relationship?


              I just straight up told her. "So, there's this guy who I met in Costa Rica. And he's my boyfriend now."

              There's really no other way to do it


                I had to do the same. I wasn't very up front about it to my mum either.

                I told her that I had a really good friend in the US who wanted to visit, and asked her if he could stay with us. He was going to take my room and I'd share the huge bed in my mums room with her. She didn't really like the idea, but I got her to skype with him so she knew who he was and it made her feel a little more comfortable.

                She did agree, however begrudgingly, and he stayed for 3 months lol.


                  That's cool. I'm starting to build up my courage to tell my mom. I hope it will turn out good.

                  Thank you guys for sharing!

