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Losing him..:/

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    Hope the surgery goes 100% perfectly! Just keep strong, Hugs!


      He's dead... he is fucking dead... noooo omg .................. nooo:/ he can't be. I should've been there for him. Omg I shouldn't have drank and been there but noo he is dead................. omfg nooo please. I don't know what I am going to do now... please he can't be gone. He should be here with me omg help me...
      "Let me be your hero" ..... ♥ "I can kiss away the pain"


        I am so very, very sorry. My heart hurts so much for you. Are you alone? Please find someone to talk with you.


          I'm all alone.... only my sisters know about him, my mum wants me to wrap presents right now and I can't believe he is gone.... omg ... no I prayed for him and you guys did as well but he is dead now... oh noo. I am so stupid, I shouldn't have drank, it made is worse for me but I thought everything would be okay and was excited for his recovery but no he is dead now. ......
          "Let me be your hero" ..... ♥ "I can kiss away the pain"


            Try to talk to someone if you can. I don't know about your relationship with your mom, so I'm not sure this is good advice. But, even if my mom didn't know before, I would talk to her about it and let her know that something terrible happened to someone you care about. Drinking does make things seem harder, but it would be just as hard if you were sober. I'm so, so sorry.


              My mum probably wouldn't care... she would kill me for having a bf anyway... it's like I thought everything was okay, and was having fun and drank some wine but noo when I first read the message about how he died from his best friend I thought I was dreaming and had to read it again... but it's fucking true. I'll be okay though and thanks...
              "Let me be your hero" ..... ♥ "I can kiss away the pain"


                I'm sorry. I saw what you just said and know what your feeling. I've been there. Stay close to your sisters these next few days. *Hugs* You'll need their support.


                  Yeah, I understand that about your mom. It will take time. It will be intense, but yes, I know you'll be ok. *hugs*


                    I'm so sorry my heart is with you. <3
                    " There is always hope.


                      That's so awful. I don't even know what to say. If you can, find a counselor or someone to talk to about it.


                        thanks you guys.... I'll be fine.. I can't get a counselor though, my mum doesnt even have enough money to buy me enough food. I feel like I just want to die or I don't know.. just don't worry about me.
                        "Let me be your hero" ..... ♥ "I can kiss away the pain"


                          Hon losing someone you love is very hard, if you need to talk message me. Just please don't do anything reckless I'm sure he wouldnt want that.
                          " There is always hope.


                            I'm so sorry for the pain you're going through. I would stick close to your sisters for a while, they'll help give you strength when you don't feel like you can go on. We're all here for you too. *hugs*


                              I'm so sorry for your loss hun. I agree with the others- stick close to your sisters. you're going to need them to support you thru this. **hugs**


                                I'm really really, so very sorry this has happened *HUGS*

