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    Originally posted by HollzHeartsChris View Post
    I've been following your last few forum posts, and from what I can make out, it sounds as though you're well and truly better off without this woman in your life. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but from the messages she sent you, you're much better off without her in your life cause she's seriously unstable.

    To the OP : she leaves you, breaks your heart, start to date some guys, and when you are moving on at last she sends you those messages? I call BS on that. she should go to hell and stop bothering you like that. she doesnt want you for herself, but she doesnt want anyone else to have you. can anyone spell "unfair"?
    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


      @Shepard-Fowkes Thank you for the well wishes. I do think my ex is having a bit of trouble accepting the fact that when she let me go, it really was permanent.

      @Engel I think you have it pinned. She doesn't want me herself, but it's not okay for anyone else to have me. It's been like that for a long, long time, but I just ignored it, as I was blinded by love.


        I'm sure I'll catch some heat over this, but oh well. To be honest, if someone tried pulling that fake, controlling, manipulative "OMG, I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF" shit with me, I'd reply. I'd tell them to make sure to cut vertically and not horizontally.

        Your choice was probably better Seriously, like everyone has said, this chick is nuts and you did exactly the right thing. Make sure you've blocked her from everything and find yourself a sane, nice girl that loves you. Had your relationship continued with her, you'd never, ever be happy. It seems like all she cares about is attention and high drama, and nobody needs that in their lives. Good luck to you, and good job on staying strong and ignoring her.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I've had an ex that broke up with me in a tremendously hurtful way, and for a not only horrible but all mutual friends (and even a few that were just his!) agreed completely irrational reason, and then proceeded to hassle me unrelentingly for the next couple of months (not in a threatening way, just constant unwelcome contact, and refusing to leave me alone no matter how firmly, or angrily, or miserably I told/begged him to), which was enormously distressing for me. It actually only ended when my boss finally caught me on the verge of a panic attack at my desk, managed to extract from me what was going on, and said that I should tell the ex that the next time he contacted me - whether by email or by phone, in work hours or outside them - my boss would call the government branch he works for, tell them about all the emails he'd sent from his work account, abusing government electronic resources to harass my boss's employee (me), and get him fired. He was deadly serious, and I had to talk him down from doing it right then - I managed to talk him down, but he told me he was going to start watching the mail servers for anything from my ex's address (I had blocked him early on, so his emails got caught in the spam filter), and whether I wanted him to or not, if he saw anything, he was just going to make the call; I let my ex know, and he finally left me alone. I couldn't believe that was what it took, couldn't believe it took his job being put in danger to make him honour my wishes and stop harassing me. I still can't, really.
          And this guy dumped me, not vice versa. That's the bit I still don't get - when you dump someone, the reasonable and adult thing to do is that accept you no longer have any right of access to that person, no matter how hard it might be.
          A lot of our mutual friends don't talk to him anymore, because the crazy apparently leaked out and started turning his friends off, too.

          Good on you for not responding! People who threaten to kill themselves to try to control other people almost never do, and even if she does, that's not your fault. I am glad for you that you no longer have anything to do with this unstable, emotionally manipulative person. Stay strong.

