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Bragging rights

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    I brag about how well he treats me. About how he makes me breakfast and buys my favorite food and things before I come over. About how funny he is and about his job ( He works in TV). I also brag about the fact he worked for the Jets ( most guys flipp when I say that).

    And about how attractive he is.
    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


      I actually don't like to brag, because it makes him uncomfortable, but I can't help it sometimes. Since I can't tell people what he really does but I'm so proud of him, I just say he's in the Special Forces. He comes from a very high powered political family who also accomplished great things for peace, and I know he enjoys reminiscing about his parents with people, so I'll drop hints about that because it makes him happy. I like to brag how many languages he knows, and the places and people he's gotten to meet. I brag about his mobile apps he's made. Just random things really. He's so amazing, and wonderful. Sometimes, I cannot believe he's mine.
      “But now, I know, how absence can be present, like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird.”


        I don't know if I really brag, because I don't like to show off or rub things in peoples faces, but if I had to, I would say that he's just all-round flippin awesome. He can cook, he can play guitar, he can sing, he makes music, he can fix shit, he can dance. He's just talented. And he's suuuuuper sexy which is a bonus on top of everything!

        I don't really think he brags about me either... I guess we're not really like that haha. I don't like to give away too many details


          I brag about how amazing of a cook he is, I mean he just got hired at a restaurant 3 months ago and can now cook everything on their very longggg menu perfectly while it took all of his coworkers at least 6 months :P I also brag about what a romantic sweetheart he is although no one tends to believe that part they all think I'm a little biased.

          I have no idea what he'd even be able to brag about me though, I don't have any special skills or talents I'm just your average joe >.<

          Met: 8.17.09
          Started Dating: 8.20.09
          First Met: 10.2.10
          Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


            When people do ask me about my SO, I usually just say "He's just an amazing person". In my eyes, he really is. I always refer to how he has taken on a huge responsibility in his family and I am so blown away by his willingness to step up to the plate, even when he is in university and working himself. Both of his parents take turns working in neighboring Costa Rica and when his Mom is there (for 6 month stretches) he's responsible for getting his little sister ready for school (incl. fixing her breakfast) and dropping her off/picking her up everyday. He also puts in overtime every Christmas season, so he can buy all her school supplies for the upcoming school year (beg. in Feb) and send her to school with a new uniform, shoes, and backpack.

            I know a lot of his friends will immediately mention my looks first (as in that's why he's lucky to be with me), but he always tells them how smart I am. He brags about how I'm multi-lingual and I worked for the UN.


              He'd do the most ridiculous things for me. And he plays sooo many instruments, sings and records songs...(:


                I like to tell people about what an amazing musician he is (guitar, drums, and vocal), how intelligent he is, how much he has accomplished in life, and how well he treats me.

                He likes to tell people about all the places I've been, the languages I speak, and my career plans.


                  I brag about how smart he is How he usually can put the pieces together and figure something out. I brag about a lot of things, but I usually brag about his intelligence...:P which probably doesn't help his ego LOL


                    I love bragging about what my SO does for his job and him being smarter than the average people And of course, French people are not known for their English, but my SO sure speaks good English (which he learned by himself).

                    He loves my cooking, even if I just buy food in the grocery and fry is or mix it all together. XD


                      Guess I like t brag about him being Japanese. XD (I've loved Japan for almost half of my life) and now at university I'm around people who loves Japan just as much and dreams about dating Japanese people XD.
                      Besides that... I really feel he's a guy who would do anything for me. If there something I wanted, he would buy it. If there was somewhere I wanted to go, he would take me. If there was something I wanted to eat, he would make it for me. ^^

                      About me, I think he mostly brags about how cute looking I am and that I'm almost fluent in Japanese.
                      Sometimes he also jokingly brags about me being younger than him and that he has a wife born in the Heisei period. (The Japanese calender. The Heisei period is their current period, which started in 1989 - the year I was born.)


                        I definitely brag about how he's working on his Ph.D. and will be an official Dr. in about four more years. Also about how much he comes to see me. In my current graduate program a lot of my friends are also LDR and they see their SO about half as much as I do and they live half as close as mine does. It means a lot to me that he can take the money, time, and effort to do all that for me.


                          I'm not much of a bragger but since you asked, GOOD GOD THAT BOY IS FINE! Besides his gorgeous looks, he is so funny and can always make me laugh no matter what and I love that =) I can really be myself around him. He also does not drink or smoke and knows how to have real fun and be a real gentleman. While he was here, everytime we went to drive somewhere he would open the door for me and give me a kiss and throw in there, "so ugh..can i get your number? ". I loved it =). He's always there for me and even at times when I'm down and feel like jeeze he must be so annoyed with me right now, he never is he just shows me love and is there for me to make me feel better. Not to mention I think he is an amazing guitar and COD player haha. Gah! I just love him so much he's perfect for me =)


                            I try not to brag as such, but it's hard not to tell people how clever he is; the guy's a walking encyclopaedia. To be honest, his intelligence was a primary part of the attraction for me. I guess it's because academically he's everything I'm not... I mean, I know I'm smart in some ways (as we all are) but I'm an awful student, haha! As for what he says about me, I'm not sure. From what he's let slip I think he talks to others about my humanitarianism etc.


                              I tend to brag about the fact he's really intelligent, that he's an amazing cook, that he's so romantic and gentlemanly and that he buys my expensive gifts I try not to brag about him too much because a lot of my friends are Muslim so they aren't allowed to have boyfriends so it feels a bit weird if I'm saying all this stuff about my SO and they're just stood there nodding and smiling.
                              No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


                                Oh, I brag about how good he is to me! really, I am lucky! he does all in his powers to make me happy! and is so patient with me! he has an amazing singing voice! he has the most beautiful green eyes ever! and that he loves me enough to even be with me in a LDR before

                                and i think he likes to brag his wife is brazilian! hahaha
                                our story.


                                02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                                "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

