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    I'm a n00b here, but not new to forums or long distance. Just expanding my horizons a bit. Usually I post over in LYC.

    I met my SO about 2 and a half years ago in a cheesy text-based game. We were best friends for a while, then we fell in love kind of out of nowhere. The game went on for a few rounds and just kept getting worse (BAD developers ) until it died and we quit. But, clearly our love has lasted. We spend most of the day on skype. He even reads bedtime stories with my 5yo son and I We still can't afford to meet though. I'm in Canada, he's in Australia and the lowest airfare that's readily available is about $2000. He's a university student for an other year and a half. I'm a Mom of 2 boys. My oldest son has mitochondrial disease and I can't really work, so I'm broke and trying to get into some distance ed going. Once he graduates the hope is that he'll find work here off the hop and we can end the distance. No way in hell can we afford a lot of visits at $2k a pop. So we're hoping to have at least one visit before he grads if we can scrape up the cash, then he'll move here in a couple years. In the meantime....We handled the first two years so well, I'm starting to let the distance get to me...mainly because we haven't had even one visit. No coupley pictures, no first kiss, no snuggles or...well, wonderful unspeakable things

    So yeah, I'm trying to widen my support base a bit

    This forum is great for support. I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half...well only "offical" for 5 months..but I have known him that long and we still haven't met in person. I am the same way with you. I want the cuddles and the pictures and everything else. You will find a lot of support here with people who haven't met yet.

    Good luck to you!


      Welcome =) . Wow $2k for a visit is a lot. Makes me realise how lucky I am. I haven't met my feller yet neither. We've known each other for 7 years and been in love nearly as long, but we wont meet till this summer. You just have to hold on and think of how wonderful it will be when you finally are together and how worth it the wait is. That's what keeps us going =)


        Hey Welcome to the forum it's nice to meet you!
        I'm from Australia and my love is a Canadian boy ^^;
        It took us a long time to meet too because of the stupidly high crappy airfare. On the bright side, if he can find time to fly in june-july ish I found the flight slightly cheaper, it can get as low as $1600 Australian for a round trip he books well in advance for the low season. Don't even think about flying after about the 10th of Dec though - then it rockets to about $3000. This is all for the straight through flight on aircanada though. If he's willing to make a short stop over, Air NewZealand sometimes have great deals. The point of this ramble here is to say that if you keep your eye on the flight companies it can really pay off. And that you're not alone!! Canadian and Aussie are a good combination, (imo!) and there are quite a few couples on here looking across that same patch of water.
        Don't lose hope
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person




            Welcome to LFAD!!!
            "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
            "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
            "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

            Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


              Well welcome and I just love that he reads to your son. I have one kid I babysit, I'd babysit him and accept him as my own in a second I wouldn't even let him meet guys I was seeing....there was one guy I was with for 2 yrs when I started babysitting, then one other guy I was serious about....never met anyone though. And he just met the SO through webcam recently. He told me, "Well if you like him Miss Alyssa, then I like I REALLY REALLY like him!" and he also told me that we can get married but I can't move too far away. ahah I can't wait for them to meet face-to-face!

              Welcome to the site!

