This is more for the mmoers on here. Any of you ever feel like you are competing with the game for your SO's attention?
I know its kind of silly, but I feel like that sometimes. Ever since my SO and I returned to WoW we've kind of gone off in different directions. Where as he is dungeon grinding i'm Achievement hunting. We rarely do anything on it together. Maybe a dungeon or two twice a week. When he's in a dungeon, (which I get), I get the big ol ignore button its frustrating. And because he has been grinding and getting better gear his is far superior to mine and can get into dungeons I can't. Which is good, go him but where is my invite even to regular heroics?
I kno non gamers are gonna think this is gibberish, lol. It just kinda sucks that something that used to bring us together is keeping us apart now.
I know its kind of silly, but I feel like that sometimes. Ever since my SO and I returned to WoW we've kind of gone off in different directions. Where as he is dungeon grinding i'm Achievement hunting. We rarely do anything on it together. Maybe a dungeon or two twice a week. When he's in a dungeon, (which I get), I get the big ol ignore button its frustrating. And because he has been grinding and getting better gear his is far superior to mine and can get into dungeons I can't. Which is good, go him but where is my invite even to regular heroics?
I kno non gamers are gonna think this is gibberish, lol. It just kinda sucks that something that used to bring us together is keeping us apart now.