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Glad we pushed through!

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    Glad we pushed through!

    I have posted a few threads about problems with my SO and I and we had actually gone a month as a half without facetime or talking on the phone.. We did text a bit but not near us much as we had before. I felt like I was doing everything I could to work things out and nothing was working!
    Finally one day we were doing better but still not quite back to normal. Before we went to bed he said goodnight. Tomorrow is going to be a new day for us
    I was sooo happy! I knew this was his way of putting it behind us and being able to move on. After that it's like we never even had an argument! Everything is back to normal and I couldn't be more happy! Although I wish we could have gone with out the fighting I think that everything is a learning experience. Before we started fighting we talked about the L word and how we were starting to feel that way towards each other (we want the first time we say it to each other to be in person) and even though I was mad and hurt I knew that I loved him and I could tell my love for him is genuine and not just "I love you when we're happy". I actually almost broke up with him a few times but I'm so thankful that I didn't!
    We facetimed tonight for the first time in a month and a half and it was great! I couldn't stop smiling. After he hung up he texted me as said "Just wanted you to know youre beautiful....i missed your smile " my heart melted! I'm so happy to have the man I fell in love with back

    So happy for you guys!
    Glad you could work things out


      Glad things worked out Congrats!


        Glad to hear things worked out


          I actually smiled reading this! I'm so happy things got better fights will be there always, couples that never fight... it's very unlikely.

