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moving to my boyfriend in less than 2 weeks

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    moving to my boyfriend in less than 2 weeks

    I'm moving in less than 2 weeks, i'm really busy packing, and seeing all my family and friends. It's starting to make me really sad
    I'm excited to move and be with my boyfriend! But now I'm getting sad about leaving my family, my family pets and my friends, we are already planning when people are visiting and when I am coming back, so that makes me happy. I've also been really close with my family and friends, I have moved out before but I was only an hour away so I saw my family once every 2 weeks. We are going to skype, and I am def. coming back every 3 months and for holidays, but I'm still sad. 2 of my best friends live very far away from there parents for years and I don't know how they do it! haha. Guess it's just growing up.

    How do I cope? and not end of crying on the plane the entire way there? lol
    For those of you who have moved away, how do you deal with it? Is your homesickness as bad as you though or better?

    It'll take some time but you'll get used to it and won't be so homesick anymore. I've lived far (quite far) from my family and pets for the past 6ish years. It's gotten a lot easier and has become normal. Now I really appreciate skype chats with my parents, sending quick emails with funny links, and the time that I do get to spend with them once or twice a year. I still feel homesick and nostalgic sometimes, especially during the holidays. But I've never regretted moving away from them.

    As for crying on the plane? Yeah...I have done that several times leaving my family. Just comes with the territory, I guess. It's okay to be sad.


      mllebamako said everything perfectly.

      I lived about an hour away from my family for years, and lived here in CR for one year too. Then I moved back here. And for me it was a lot harder because it felt permanent. I moved down here with the intention of never moving back home. And it was hard for me the first couple days. I cried a lot and felt sad. It was a roller coaster of emotions because I was so excited to be back in CR and to be with my SO, but so sad because I knew I would never be in the States for longer than a week again.

      But, just like after visits, life moves on. New becomes normal. You make friends, get a job, become busy. And everything is great again.

      You'll be fine. Hang in there!

