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Wouldn't it be nice...

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    Wouldn't it be nice...

    just a little background before i get to the heart of it... My SO and i have limited contact.. We mostly communicate via email, every few of days, and catch eachother on msn or skype about once a week or so... we find it to be less heartbreaking to be honest... if we were constantly in contact we would ache for the other a lot lot lot more (we've tried it)... i guess we're just weird that way : p
    a couple of days ago, we found the opportunity to skype for a few hours and it was great : ) i was at home for the evening, and accompanied him to work : p
    about an hour into the conversation he was humming some music, and i couldn't believe my ears! he was humming the exact same song i had been singing for 2 consecutive days and was planning on using for a little project to send him!! i was so shocked i was dumb struck for a while... and then i told him i couldnt believe he was singing THAT song! because its not like he picked it up somewhere listening to the radio on his way to work, or me either...
    the song is Wouldn't it be nice by the Beach Boys... those lyrics pierce through my heart each time its on my mind... its exactly how i feel... and to hear him then say them back to me, i did the one thing he made me promise to Never do while he's away... i cried...

    did anything like this ever happen to any of you?

    here are the lyrics :
    ouldn't it be nice if we were older
    Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
    And wouldn't it be nice to live together
    In the kind of world where we belong

    You know its gonna make it that much better
    When we can say goodnight and stay together

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
    In the morning when the day is new
    And after having spent the day together
    Hold each other close the whole night through

    Happy times together we've been spending
    I wish that every kiss was neverending Wouldn't it be nice

    Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true
    Baby then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do
    We could be married And then we'd be happy

    Wouldn't it be nice

    You know it seems the more we talk about it
    It only makes it worse to live without it
    But lets talk about it Wouldn't it be nice

    Good night my baby
    Sleep tight my baby
    Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
    And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
    ~Richard Bach

    “Always,” said Snape.

    We have moments where he says the exact thing I'm thinking, when it's not exactly a common thought. One specific incident comes to mind. When we watch videos together, he always does the countdown (one two three, play) since he can say it over voice which leads to better synchronization. I can't talk out loud a lot of times, because my PC is in the same room as everyone else and my parents don't know all the details on him. I have never mentioned that I know any U2 songs, I gave nothing away, and he has counted off a million times in several styles/languages. But that specific time, he says it in Spanish, and I started thinking the song "Vertigo" that starts out with 1-2-3-4 in Spanish. Sure enough, he counted to 4 instead of 3 and started singing the song. Crazy. We attribute it to our telepathy. XD I always seem to catch him on cam when he's eating, too, and he says I have a subconscious attraction to him stuffing his face. :P

    But this song. =] Late one night when we had just had a really serious discussion over IM, I was just laying there in bed, and out of no where he starts to "sing" me this song. It was sweet, a very special moment, since it was close to New Year's.


      With us there's been coooountless of times/moments where we think/say the same thing, on msn it's happened loads but in real as well.
      One story that comes to mind is.. We were here and in the car on the way back to the airport (;<) and it was raining. Before that, back at my place we'd been joking about us kissing and how we accidentally kept making funny noises while.. kissing x) and the wipers were making the same kind of noise sort of. I said something like "Ahhh the wipers are making weird noises" and then we said "Kinda like us kissing" exactly at the same time, and exactly the same words :-D
      Might sound a bit boring but it was so funny and cute when it happened ;>

      Plenty of little things like that.. and a loaaad of other kind of things that have happened show how connected we are :> ♥

      By the way, that song is awesome :o ♥


        well me and Denise are empaths so it happens often, we know what were thinking, we know if something is wrong with each other, ect. It happens to alot of couples who are very connected with one another and its a good thing, you guys are connected because you have limited contact with one another so thats why your so connected that way


          This song is now stuck in my head. Thanks ioanna.


            Wouldn't It Be Nice is one of our songs

            Similar things have happened to us on occasion, but we listen to a lot of the same music. Hey There Delilah makes me cry whenever I'm missing him a lot because he texted me the lyrics as his bus was pulling away at the end of our first visit.


              Awe this is so incredably sweet. Unfortunatly I got the cadbury chocolate version of the song stuck in my head when I read this last night ><

              Wouldn't it be nice if the world was cadbury
              you could be a soccer super-star
              the referee would blow his chocolate whistle
              a shot at goal could even break the bar
              and if you went and scored a winner
              you could take the cup and eat it for your dinner...
              wouldn't it be nice!

              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                oh how sweeeeeeett!!!! Too cute! Not long after we started dating I heard 311 "Love Song" and it made me think about the SO, and realize we didn't have a song. So I asked him a day or two later what song made him think about me.....he said well the other day I heard a song on the radio. it was LOVE SONG BY 311!!


                  for me it wasn't songs..

                  it would be more like.... when I was about to text him he would text me.. or when I am thinking about him he would text.. or we come online at the exact same time when we didn't co ordinate the time.. or things like that....


                    Nice lyrics! I hope you 2 are reunited soon!

