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ILL... This sucks :(

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    ILL... This sucks :(

    Im only home for a week after 6 months of not seeing my friends or SO and so far I have been ill for the majority of my visit I went to see my SO last night which was a massive bad idea. I was so ill I couldnt sleep and I kept disturbing him, then this morning he had to come and rescue me from the shower because I passed out and almost threw up. Now I think I've given him my bug It sucks because as much as I want to spend time with him, (as last night proves) we cant spend the quality time together we've been looking forward to for 6 months

    Im really really hoping I'm better for New years eve, I'm supposed to be spending it with my friends and its been planned for months but currently it looks like I'm going to spend it in bed! It sucks even more becuase one of my best friends is moving to new zeland in the summer, so NYE is the only opportunity I have to see her before she leaves (I was supposed to have lunch earlier in the week with her but she ended up in hospital :/).

    I also really dont want to fly back to the US like this (if they will even let me fly).

    I went to the docs and she said there was nothing she could do for me. Its viral so antibiotics wont do a thing. Any cheeky home remedies to help me feel less blergh? I've got cough medicene, tried vics vaporub, throat lozenges and am dosed upto my eyeballs on ibuprofen and paracetamol (tylenol).

    Si tu n'etais pas la
    Comment pourrais-je vivre
    Je ne connaitrais pas
    Ce bonheur qui m'enivre
    Quand je suis dans tes bras
    Mon coeur joyeux se livre
    Comment pourrais-je vivre
    Si tu n'etais pas la

    Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free.
    Home could be anywhere when I am holding you


    I don't have any remedies but I know how you feel! I'm sick too :/

    I've just been drinking a lot of tea, taking Dayquil like it's my job, and suffering through it.

    Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
    Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
    Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
    Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
    Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


      I am sick as well, wich sucks at this time of the year, im sneezing and with my eyes puffy as we speak, but i hope to get a little better in time for NYE.

      good recovery to both of us. *hugs*
      our story.


      02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

      "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


        Everyone feel better!


          Aw, that sucks. I hope you all feel better!


            That sucks! Hope you feel better. You should check out for some home remedies. You might find something on there that works for you.


              Hope you all feel better!!! Not sure if you are stuffed up or anything but try using a Netti Pot. it works really well. The unforuntare thing is that is just clears out your sinuses so you can breathe.
              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*** So Much Love to Share ***~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                Green tea always helps me feel better and keeps you hydrated as well
                "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                  Drink a lot of water o_o STAY hydrated. Or gatorade, or something. Do not drink caffeinated drinks like sodas or anything high in sugar like store bought fruit juices. Water water water!


                    Thanks guys!! Determined to enjoy tonight despite my croaking and sneezing, im just going to take it easy, see the new year in and drive home :P I dont have shivers or headaches anymore so thats a start! haha

                    Chef.rea my collegue told me someone caught some kind of brain eating ameoba from a nettipot... so I've been reluctant lol, they kinda scare me :P we have a pile at work, and I'm not sure why they're there!

                    Zapookie, Thanks for the site

                    *Hugs* to all that are still feeling rough. This is the worst I've felt in a while and its just made 10X worse cos of the timing lol
                    Si tu n'etais pas la
                    Comment pourrais-je vivre
                    Je ne connaitrais pas
                    Ce bonheur qui m'enivre
                    Quand je suis dans tes bras
                    Mon coeur joyeux se livre
                    Comment pourrais-je vivre
                    Si tu n'etais pas la

                    Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free.
                    Home could be anywhere when I am holding you



                      They reallycan not do much damage to you. Really all you are doing is rinsing your sinuses out with a salt water mixture. Just follow the directions, i know of a lot of people who use them. some are reluctent to do so becauseit does feel strange, but i love using it.
                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*** So Much Love to Share ***~~~~~~~~~~~~~

