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    You know that fear we all get at some point...that fear of the unknown? Not knowing what's coming so not exactly knowing what to expect...I'm in a college LDR and my SO and I are from the same city but the nice thing about a college LDR is that you get that summer break so it feels like the distance is only 4 months long at a time. But this summer neither of us will really get that break as I have to take 6 credit hours and work at the same time, and he has to do an internship. So it'll be 12 months straight of LD and last night it really hit me. I'm just really terrified of drifting apart because we're both going to be super busy, especially over the summer. I'm scared of not having enough time for each other or things of that sort. Anyone ever feel like this and know what I should do? Am I over worrying?

    Yes, I know how you feel. I worry sometimes when my semester picks up and she's at work about us getting the right time, and when I get a job that's only going to increase. I guess the only thing I can suggest what to do is figure out a schedule for the 2 of you that works. It's hard to say whether you're over worrying or not because I don't know the dynamics of your relationship.


      Best thing to do is not over think because that's the worst thing you can do! Back when my LDR with my old SO started, he was getting home schooled until september last year and I was just finishing highschool, due to start university, and I was worried we would drift apart because the transition of change was so big. If anything, although it was hard most of the time, we still got to have time together, although it was limited. What I say to you is don't overworry yourself, because that's not the way to approach it. Enjoy the time you guys do get together and try not to think too much about the negatives. Perhaps you could send each other letters or emails? They're sure to make each of your days Maybe you could send a care package or make something for him (it doesn't have to something huge) and send it as a present. Maybe make a video and send the link to him, saying how much you love him and how much he means to you. When you're not working, hang out with friends or pursue your hobbies, just don't mope around thinking things through that are sure to upset you.

      At the end of the day, one thing you have to realise is that this stage won't last forever and that it probably won't be the case in 2013. A year isn't really that long a time, and before you know it, it'll pass by extremely quickly. I keep having to remind myself it's the start of 2012, not 2011, still It's just flown by. Keep strong, don't lose faith and just enjoy what time you do get with him, you'll really learn to appreciate it all the more

      Trust me when I say, it may seem impossible at times to avoid sad feelings, but just remember: he has your love and you have his, and by looking at how long you guys have been together, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine!


        I know I shouldn't over think it but I can't help it and I do it anyway. I'm just dreading this and wish things could be easier but I suppose for now, this is as good as it's gonna get. Anyhow I'll do my best and see where that leads me. :P Gracias!

