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Travel Advice. :)

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    Travel Advice. :)

    I just wanted to pass on some advice to ya'll
    My SO visited me over break and he got a rental car while he was here. He left Monday afternoon and that evening I realized (to my horror) that I had left my camera with all our cute pictures in the car that had been dropped off at the airport. I have been stressed out ever since, but this morning my SO texted me and said that my camera had been FOUND!!! I am SOOO happy!
    In any case, I want to remind you all not to be like me and forget things in your rental cars. Check them before you leave. I really don't want anyone to go through that kind of "freak out".

    Anyone ever had this happen? what are your crazy stories?

    Oh dear, I have plenty of crazy travel stories.

    Want to start with the one where I met a lady from Honduras on the bus, decided to get off in her tiny little town, got dropped off at the ONLY hotel in town, then her 8 year old kid picked me up in a truck (yes he was the one driving), they fed me tamales and cake, walked me home and then the next day there weren't any buses running so I had to find a taxi, but there weren't any taxis either, I found one putting in gas, got in the taxi only to realize he was not the taxi driver rather the taxi driver's son...

    Yeah plenty of stories


      Well wasn't exactly a travel story to much. He came here, and on our first day together it was in San Francisco. Me and my mom stayed at one hotel while he stayed at a hostel. Anyways had a full day of fun we walked all over. The next morning I realized i lost my wallet, with my i.d and credit card and library card and just all my important stuff. Was all freaking out about having to tell mom lol In the end i had to replace it all.... so wasn't a happy ending... but just adds to the memories of when he was here lol For him they actually lost his luggage, so he had no change of clothes that first day he was here, and then poor him, they found it and sent it to the wrong place! so he had to wait. Fortunately he got everything in the end.
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3

