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    New to all this

    Hi ladies and gents I’m new here and would really love some advice!
    About two months ago I decided I wanted to spend the summer in London. I booked myself there for about 2 and a half months and got myself a place to stay and registered in some summer courses to keep me busy. The funny thing is I was really worried about not having friends or people to talk to so I began searching out websites to find girlfriends to hang out with when I was there. The funny thing is though after about two to three weeks a guy msged me. And ever since then we’ve been talking almost every day. It went from texting, to voice msging to now calling and skyping, adding each other to facebook and just basically making time for each other in the evenings. Our conversations are real, we talk about everything and anything but what I’m struggling here with is the fact that – I know him from what he tells me and how he is – how did you ladies deal with knowing the person before seeing them?

    He’s been very clear that he likes me, he misses me when he doesn’t get to talk to me and has expressed that he’s excited to see me, spend time with me and is a bit sad that I’ll only be there for about two months. I’ve been clear that I feel the same and that I miss him a lot two. He’s very expressive and open with how he feels and I’m not as open and that’s a challenge for me but I’m learning so that’s a start right? He’s even planned a few things for us to do when I get out there and has taken off days from work to see me.

    I really like this guy. We talked a few nights ago and he told me that he would like to just get to know me and focus his attention on me. I said that that made me really happy and we decided to get to know each toher exclusively. I really like him but I think my habits from the past are something that i need on and i don't want them to carry into our new found "thing".

    So i guess my questions (excuse me im all over the place) are how do you guys deal with getting to know someone and not being around them? Was it hard at first? Were you ever skeptical? Were you a bit put off at first by not "meeting" them and not being around them?

    Does this all make sense? Lol.

    thanks so much