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He left two days ago and I'm still miserable

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    He left two days ago and I'm still miserable

    So I knew people said it got harder the second visit, but I had no idea it would get this hard.
    I've been breaking down so much.. I can be calm and okay for a few hours of the day then randomly break down.
    I've been having to sleep with my mom because I can't sleep alone anymore.
    Not to mention he doesn't have internet and we have no idea when it will be coming back. He tried to call and get another provider for his internet but apparently his area is only set for one type of provider.
    We miss each other like crazy but I'm literally going insane...
    I don't want to leave, or go anywhere. He keeps telling me I have to- and I do but it doesn't do anything. If anything it makes me feel worse.
    My parents ended up saying he can move here- he has to finish this spring semester which is over in late April then he can come here.
    BUT he has to try and find a college to come to and call and see if he can set up some of the college before he comes here.
    Yesterday when my parents finally said he could come they also said he could come even if his college couldn't get set up. Now today my mother is saying no and that it will have to be on hold.
    It's not even possible to set it up while he's not even in this state isn't it?!
    He's also saying that if he can't get in then he doesn't want to come and he might as well stay there in school.
    That made me break down even more- they tell me to not worry and that he'll be here in a few months yet when I get excited someone says something like that.
    I honestly can't even remember life before he came here...all I can think about is what we were like when he was here.

    I can't remember how long it took me or how I even got over it last time, but he's saying this time it's way too unhealthy for me to be like this.
    I just don't know what to do other than 'just think about him coming soon'. It hurts, it just hurts so damn much.
    We've been together since 10.11.10

    First Visit-7.13.11
    Second Visit-12.17.11
    Closed the distance-06.20.12

    Of course it's possible to arrange a transfer of colleges from out of state. Lots of people do it, and I did it from out of the country. He has to apply to whatever school he's looking at as a transfer student, then submit his transcripts and wait. I think the application for most schools have already opened or will open soon for fall term so if he's planning to transfer there in the fall he should start the process soon. The good thing about being in the same country is that once he receives his acceptance letter he can start making plans to move there as early as he wants (after spring term) without having to deal with visas and whatnot.


      The hardest part for me is the first few days of being separated again, especially after a longer period of time together (a month vs a week or so). Just hang in there, it'll get easier!



        I'm at 5 days post visit and still struggling. I feel ya on this one.

        The best thing you can do is try and distract yourself as much as possible. We've had 7 visits and none of them get any easier for me. We just have to keep living - as much as it hurts. Come on here lots and vent or cry it out. That's what I did quite a bit in the beginning of our relationship

