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Do you and your SO 'fit'?

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    Do you and your SO 'fit'?

    You know how some people say certain couples look good together and others are odd couples? Which do you think you are?

    Me and HBB I think are the cute kind, he is tall and lanky and I am short and curvy but it kinda works. I think odd couples are cute too, like when I see a really tall girl with a guy my height...I think its sweet and shows love doesn't care

    He's tall, I'm short. We both have semi-athletic builds. We've both got brown hair and eyes. He has a mild complexion, I'm very fair.

    Appearance-wise do we fit? I dont know and I'm not sure if I care. I think people that love each other are meant to be together and that much I'm sure of. I'd say we're a cute couple because of how obvious it is that we are completely in love. Looks-wise neither greatly out classes the other or anything like that. I think he's handsome, he thinks I'm gorgeous. That's enough of a fit for me.

    Personality wise we seem to fit perfectly. I've never agreed with the phrase opposites attract, and still dont. We're both silly, hockey-crazed, laid back, loving goofballs. And that works perfect for us. We've got a few little differences that to me make him more interesting, like he loves really spicy food and I hate it. I chose one route in my life with school, he chose another with the military and his career. We lovve each other for everything we are and arent, and that's why were a good fit.

    Finding myself.


      This is the one thing we get told all the time and I sort of see it, too.

      We look pretty much alike, to a point where we get mistaken for brother and sister (talk about awkward!). We have the same hair and skin colour, same height (he's taller by 5cm), we both wear glasses (although I wear contacts most of the time), same build and there's probably other stuff that I don't see.
      We make fun of it, when people call us out on it, like we look at each other and go "You're saying that is what I look like?"

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


        I don't know if we fit actually. We've been called cute before. We're very different looking. I'm extremely fair skinned and I dye my hair red/purple and I have stretched ears, whereas he's half black and has a fro. He's a bit taller than me but I think we're the perfect height for each other.

        I don't think we fit, per se, but we are both attracted to each other and that's the only thing that matters


          Well he is a lot daker than me, black hair, im very pale and blonde. Im 5'4 and he is 5'9 and a bit. We've been told we look really good together and make a cute couple. I dunno tho if we do XD


            My post will be kinda like ^

            He's tall, I'm short.. he's got dark(ish) skin and dark hair, I've got very pale skin and blonde (well.. light brown, more like?) hair. So we look pretty different. We have been told we look good together, and I think we do, too xD
            I like his looks, anyway


              I think we fit well together. We're both not on the tall side - I'm 5 ft and he's 5'6, both pale, both redheads - except I have freckles and he does not We always get told how cute we look and how well we seem to mesh with each other.


                Hmmmm, I don't know about how we "fit" together. We have similar physical characteristics except that he is super thin. Mostly I would say we more "fit" personality wise. A friend of mine told me how shocked she was when she first saw us together because we were talking nonstop. Also, he has this sense of humor whereby he can easily get a rise out of people and when I don't act suprised (because I get his humor and what he is doing) people always comment on that "fit"


                  Yes, we fit. Although I suppose we could be confused for siblings since we both have brownish hair and blue eyes. Everyone who actually knows us though thinks we're perfect for each other.


                    We do fit. We're of similar height, both wear glasses, and that sort of thing. When my mother was looking through my last scrapbook her amd my aunt both said "youre one of those couples who look like eachother" I didn't know how to tale it at the time. But I guess its a good thing. Our kids will be pretty predictable (appearance wise anyways)


                      Yes, I think we fit together well. I'm 5'6" and he's 5'8", we're both Italian looking...brown hair and brown eyes. We have been told we're cute together, too. =] He is a little bit "pudgy" and I'm considered underweight.

                      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                        I will also say that my SO and I look alike. Sometimes we get mistaken for brother and sister which is awkward!

                        We're both blonde with blue eyes and light skin. Right now we have the same hair color actually because of a hair dye incident :P He's about 6 inches taller than me but it works. A lot of people say we're an adorable couple. I think it's because of how similar we look (can you say blonde haired blue eyes babies?) and how well our personalities fit together.

                        Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                        Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                        Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                        Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                        Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


                          Those who knew called us cute and his friends used to tease him about it I guess now those who know about us, even though we aren't in an LDR together but very much still a part of each others lives, still say we fit together. We compliment each other, and to be honest I think of him as my other half. I know he thinks of me as his other half.

                          I just wish we lived by each other. I hate this.


                            We make a cute couple. Are differences compliment each other well.


                              I'm 5'2" he's 6'1". I fit perfectly under his chin. We both have brown hair, his is darker than mine but you'd never know since he always has a hat on. We both have brown eyes and a similar complexion. Kev is tall, long, and kind of skinny while I'm short and curvy. I think we fit perfectly.

