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Thing(s) your SO introduced into your life?

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    Thing(s) your SO introduced into your life?

    Since I am just a lurker around here as of late (I'm sorry. :O), I thought I would try making a topic? So my question for all of you is...

    What's something (or many things) that your SO introduced you to that wasn't there before you met them?

    Like for me, before we were together, I didn't email anyone at all for almost any reason whatsoever. Now we email each other every day! I was also sort of anti Mac before she sent me home with her Mac Mini to fall in love with (despite the processing speed, grr!). And before I met our little Zoe, I was very anti-dog. There's of course some other things I wouldn't put in this forum. :P But you get the idea sort of?

    Anything you guys were missing out on that your SO shined the light on for you?

    hmmm thats a good question. She showed me the true meaning of love, staying in contact was important, how to love myself for who i am, patience, plus other things


      Originally posted by Rane View Post

      What's something (or many things) that your SO introduced you to that wasn't there before you met them?
      My Megan, showed me the lighter side of life. What do I mean? I am really serious and she has gotten me to lighten up take it easy and have fun! Also become a bit more crazy too! hehe... not as crazy as her thou.
      "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
      "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
      "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

      Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


        My guy showed me how many different types of music there are! (I say most of his stuff is crap but there we go) He taught me about a new sport - fencing. He tried to get me into computer games, and mostly failed hehe. He showed me how to make history come alive just by reading from a book. He introduced me to so many films! Ones I'd have never had seen without him (as an aside - what a wierd sentance. Yet it is grammatically correct ... Strange) He's taught me alot about myself too and about some of my friends. I can safely say I wouldn't be who I am right now if he hadn't been here the last year and a half.


          I made more of an effort to learn French becasue of my boyfriend. (He's French). He introduced me to many new cheeses. He introduced me to French pop music, and environmental art. He introduced me to Paris. And..the greatest gift of all..the opportunity to take the Eurostar (the train from London to France). This is the best train EVER. I urge you all to take it if you get the chance.


            Omg you posted a thread! I didn't know you did that haha. :P

            I have learned that trust CAN exist. I've learned that a person is not defined by their age. I've been introduced to some great guitar music that I never would have found on my own. I am slowly learning that scars from surgery, and my other defects aren't as bad as I think they are, at least to him.


              - Learning to TRUST.
              - Art comes in all forms.
              - How good Armani Code smells.
              - Understanding of Love Songs. <3


                The military and all that comes with : )
                I've become more independent and stronger.
                Each day can bring something unexpected, like him being called away at the drop of a hat and we won't have contact for a while.


                  Sobriety :P 9 months and counting.

                  Some anime I might be one of the biggest geeks alive, but I'm not that big into anime XP. Most anime fans I've encountered are annoying so you can't judge me @_@.

                  Companionship! I thought I was the only person alive who didn't like Bill Cosby ;_;...

                  There's more, but I'm lazy, parts of me hurt, the 360 is begging for me, and there are minors here XP.


                    He gave me the support to explore my interest in computers, as that is his specialty He also taught my that there are other people out there that like to learn things for fun, I thought I was the only one!


                      He's introduced me to so many good books, movies and tv series. He's shown me that sex isn't all I have to offer someone, and that not all men are just playing games. He's pushed me to be stronger. to grow and to love completely without reservation.


                        Perogies. How did I ever live without them? And Tim Hortons, dear God yes.
                        Obi taught me the true power of written word, he taught me that I deserve better than I thought I did. He taught me that I can overcome my fears, and the extent I am personally willing to go if I want something bad enough. He taught me the meaning of complete honesty. And that I can't say all men are the same and all the horrible things I used to believe. He's now trying to teach me that I can be happy without a deepfryer - but good luck to him!
                        He taught me I can have it all, if I'm willing to work for it!
                        He introduced me to Raymond E Feist, who's books I was determined I'd never read, and the furry fandom which give me both fun and insecurity. And romance! He gives me romance.
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          Sec (or Sparkling Wine)


                            The versatility of a box cutter, hahaha.

                            My Hattie naturally introduced this tea party on us. He's always had a soft spot for the Mad Hatter character and the world of Wonderland as a whole and we often debate certain aspects (like what exactly is Cheshire's role in the world) and he says I have a lot of rabbit-like qualities and I am his partner, so I became his March Hare. And we literally have tea parties, which was his idea. He's introduced me to several bands as well and rekindled my love for heavy metal music and jazz (weird combo, I know!). Probably more, but I can't think of anything.


                              Andy's shown me loads of things.
                              Honesty, patience, companionship, trust, what true love feels like, he's taught me to love myself more and how to respect myself and that my faults aren't faults in his eyes. He's taught me to talk and be open and not hold back and hide my feelings.
                              Also he's shown me how funny Ricky Gervais is

                              There's LOADS of other things but it would take me forever to write them. He's just the best!

                              I've introduced him to MSN and Skype, he wasn't a fan of either before he met me and I also think he's a bit more spontaneous now because of me.

