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It's been a while...

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    It's been a while...

    Hi everyone,

    I hope you've not all forgotten me already... I was a very active member at the start of the year.

    Then I moved into college.

    But... I just wanted to update you all with the facts. In case you cared.

    Well, university has been amazing. I've met so many wonderful people who are all so accepting. I have told so many of them the story of how my man and I met and they love it. It makes me feel that little bit better when people actually ask you questions, rather than simply avoiding the topic because they fear I'll get sad.

    Anyway, my man and I have been following Love Letter Day religiously and we still manage to keep our journal fresh and fun and lovely. He had it for January, me for February, and so on. He has it at the moment, of course. When I read through what he wrote, it made me cry. He wrote a beautiful poem that simply pulled my heart strings a little too tight.

    He also sent me a jacket of his that I love. I haven't taken it off... It smells of him, and his house, and his family. And it, again, made me cry. But happy tears. Tears for the memories it holds.

    So... What are the plans?

    We've not seen each other since December 2009. It seems like an age ago.

    He's finally found out his work holidays over Christmas, and so, should be able to be here around December 10 until January 2. Which makes me more than a little bit happy. I'm already planning my outfit to pick him up from the airport, what we're going to do, and who he'll meet. I like to plan.

    I just hope that the year goes by as quickly as it has been, so that soon enough I'll be counting down the last few days until he's finally here...

    Nothing but love to you all,
    Last edited by Sarah M; May 11, 2010, 08:38 AM.

    Hey! How goes it? It's great of you to check in and I'm glad to hear that everything is going so well!
    Some time I will have to ask you a bunch of questions about uni. I hope to start next year but have really no idea what to do. It all seems too hard lol.
    I'm glad people are supporting you there, rather than avoiding the topic. I bet they think it's very romantic ^^;
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Good to see you around!


        Thanks, guys.

        It's all going well, thanks, Zephii. I'm studying nursing, so I'm going up to Sydney for clinical placement next week. It's all a bit exciting, really.

        It's hard, but it's always worth it. That's all down to the people. Have any idea what you want to do?

        I have to say, I think they do.

        Oh! And in my college, we have this magazine we make every month. So I'm going to write something in it about LDRs and mention this site. Any tips as to what I could write?


          Hi Sarah! Good to see you back and that life is going so well for you!
          For the newspaper article, try to focus on the positives. I think so few people are unaware of the fact that people in LDRs are actually very happy most of the time because they've found someone they love so much.


            Hi Sarah

            I'm glad to hear everything is going so well with you. I wish there were more ppl like that in here, usually everyone just asks something completely random about Andy and that's that lol.

            I think you should definitely mention in the article how many ppl there really are having an LDR and how important it is for them to talk on the phone or be at their PC's to chat cause it's the only way to communicate for many couples. In here many people can't understand why I want to spend a beautiful day inside sitting at my laptop rather than doing something outside. Also if I say to someone I've made a date with Andy to talk with him they don't concider it the same/as serious as if I called a friend and set up a meeting at their place which I find annoying cause to me it is serious and important.


              Good on you. Nurseing is tough, heart wrenching work that doesn't get nearly enough recognition, so I admire your choice.
              I'm wanting to do secondary teaching.

              Good luck with your placement - and the article!
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

