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Looking back at your old convo's

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    Looking back at your old convo's

    Heh i was reading back on me and Denise's old Twitter messages to each other, and they so scream out "WE LIKE EACH OTHER MORE THEN FRIENDS" its been awhile since i read back on the twitter messages but when i did i found out the first time i talked to her was July 17, 2009. That was the moment my life changed forever and for the better, I met my soulmate then and at that time i may not have known it but i knew she was someone special that i never wanted to let go of ever. But yeah that was the first time i talked to her and it was the best moment of my life, anybody else look back on your old convo's with your SO's and notice the same thing?

    lol I looked at me and Eddie's myspace convo back in 2007, I never realized I told him I was falling in love with him back then, I nearly cried when I read those messages and also felt distraught from my horrible spelling. >_> We sound more mature now but we still pine for each other.


      I do look back. I don't have the first ones anymore i was stupid when I broke up with him, i seriously thought it was over and I deleted them He has them, but he still hasn't sent them to me yet. I asked him like 8 months


        I love looking back at old convos. I especially like to look at the ones from a month or two before we got together and how feelings and emotions slowly changed. And of course when we told everyone we were in love, ah...


          I love looking back at old convos... especially when we're fighting. They usually end up making me cry more than I have been over the fight but they remind me that our love is so strong that a silly fight can't come between us.


            Well, I looked back at emails to girlfriends, and it was painfully clear lol. Emails to him, they were just friendly, and then we totally jumped into relationship mode. No transition phase!


              I think it's very sweet to do this, it brings back so many nice memories!


                I haven't looked back too far, though all the old msn history are on my other computer. Though we both admit we were attracted to each other right from the start, from the first day we started talking to each other and things just developed from there.
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                  hmmm kindof. its weird. i havent saved the chat logs but my boyfriend has them all. its weird to look at them because it seems so long ago and it shows how much we've changed and grew as a couple. i guess i did like him ... but i never thouhgt we'd end up here


                    I have all the emails and chat logs from the beginning of our relationship, I recently had them made into a book with pictures and things on the pages as well. I got two copies made, one for me and the other I'm giving to him on our anniversary. He says he feels so embarrassed reading our old conversations and emails because he thinks he sounded like such a dork, I remind him that's why I fell in love with him because he was just being himself.


                      I look back at old chats sometimes, but this current chat history on MSN (we talk there a lot and I have multiple volumes of history) starts off with not the worst but by far the most serious fight we've ever had. It's the fight right after we ended things when we were debating (we do this a lot, debate what's best for the the other one, even concerning yourself, as if you're a bystander) whether he should be with me or his ex who REALLY wants him back. We didn't really yell or say nasty things, but just the tone, it's horrible. The neutral, "I don't care anymore", "leave me alone" type attitude. And I always end up reading it since I have to scroll down to get to any good parts, and it always makes me sad. =/

                      But sometimes when I'm feeling particularly nostalgic I'll go to the absolute earliest chat logs I have of us, from before we really even talked to each other again. =] It's a sweet sappy thing to do, I think.


                        Obi has all our msn transcripts, and if he logged into his old old old mysticwicks account the very first pms we sent are probably still there. He keeps everything!
                        I don't like to look that far back though... not at the convos anyway. Im still too ashamed of what my life was like and the way I treated him, how I broke his heart...
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person



                          Yeah, I still have a lot of our MSN chatlogs, too. It's funny to see lovey-dovey messages mixed with angry ones. The nice ones make me happy, and from the ones where fights develop I can learn. Reading over them again, I can see how I could have reacted differently or where we misunderstood each other or where one of us was too impatient/grumpy... I like looking at them because it's almost like a diary. From what you talked/texted about, you can tell what you were up to at that particular time and that's really nice.


                            I know its amazing reading back on convo's, they go from being friends and flirty, to relationship i love you sexual ehem convo's!. Sadly some of our convo's including the "first kiss" ones were on facebook chat and facebook chat doesnt save convo's arrrg. It's nice to look back


                              This is why I love AIM. I have archives dating back to when we first began talking via IM (we used to go through PM on the forum he both attend and they were strictly roleplaying business) and whenever I miss him or want to relive certain convos I'll pull it up and go through and laugh and smile like I did when we had the conversation. I need to make use of that text thing, I'd like to save a few kooky things we've said.

                              What makes me laugh most is going back to our roleplay posts (for those that don't know, roleplaying is like storytelling where you play one or more characters in the story and write out their actions in paragraph form. Very fun) in 07/08 and reading the in-character interactions I realize how heavily we were flirting and I hadn't even been doing that intentionally even though I'd liked him back then too. But now they just scream "I WANT YOU!" and it makes me laugh.

