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Long distance relationship v1

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    Long distance relationship v1

    Hello folks, i really need some advice for my problem.
    I've been in this LDR from the start we meet on chat room,since then i'd say that i finally found my girl that i liked to be.We are pretty closed even we know each other about 9-10 months .But there are one little "problem" her sister.Her sister hates me i don't know why i didn't do nothing to her or to my gf(maybe she is jealous).She told me that her parents listend her sister, so if her sister start to talk lies about me maybe my gf will broke with me,we were talking about this problem and she keep telling me that she will don't listening anyone and will be with me forever. I don't know what to do we didnt see it yet so it's really hard.She is from my country but in other city,and now she moved to Slovenia,and she coming once per year maybe two if her father have get vacation from his job.
    We suppost to be together i don't know maybe in 10-15 years because we are young and we still go to school

    aw im sorry! i dont really know what to say cuz ive never been in this problem. but if she really loves you and wants to be with you she would, its just harder if your parents or siblings dont approve. maybe the sister will get better over time. otherwise, on your end, i dont think there is a lot you can do. try to be supportive to your girlfriend when her family is being disapproving of your relationship.


      I personally know what it's like to have disapproving family, but I've just ignored them all and she should do the same if she really cares. The sister might not understand the situation you two are in. I know when I tell people I met my bf on the internet I also have to explain how he's NOT a pedophile or whatever. Some people just don't understand LDRs, so they'll only try to destroy them. But it's not up to them, you both have got to be strong. Yes, support her in any way you can and don't let other people stand in the way of your happiness.


        I'm sorry to hear about the problems with her sister. Maybe your girl can have a heartfelt conversation with her. But be aware, even thought she do this it doesn't mean it will change, she can be so for many years. So what you have to concentrate is in your relationship, not in the people around. The sister may not approve the relationship, but she must respect it. Best wishes!


          Hi there, I can understand where your coming from...not my family but my twin sister doesn't like my boyfriend soon to be fiance. Yes, to some point I care that she doesnt like him but he has never done anything wrong ( like in your situation) or been rude or anything. So try not to let people who might not like you or be too fond of you get in the way if you two really care about one another. It'd be amazing to have everyone that is important to you like or even love who you choose to be with but in the end as long as you like/ love that person that's all that matters. maybe in time her sister will grow to like you or even when you all meet maybe her opinion of you will changed. I hope for the best with you and your girlfriends family because I know how this situation can be Good Luck!


            Thanks for the advice this really helped me out.This problem comes out that one day me and my gf were chated on msn like every relationship we talked "hot stuff" and she went 2min to the WC and her sister was reading everything we talked about and she told her that if she don't stop talk with me she we tell about this on her mom.But we continue to chat everyday and her sister doesn't know that we still chatting i think?

