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Killing the time....AGHHHHH!

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    Killing the time....AGHHHHH!

    So, my boyfriend will be here tonight at 11:30PM and normally he comes on a day where my show is on. But tonight there is nothing on TV. Its 2:15, and I dont know what to do till 11:30. Im gonna shower at 8, but till then and after Im gonna be booooored! My boyfriend is working till 9 so I cant call him.

    So, what do you guys do when you're waiting for your SO to arrive?

    HAH, I see all the views, but no replies?


      I don't know what you really do. I get antsy and so excited to see him. Most the time I just sleep it off until later, I mean you could sleep until around ten then shower? I don't know, sleeping always makes the time go faster for me. Either that or try to get out with a friend for a while! Thanks so exciting I hope your week was easier than your posts before sounded! Good luck tonight!


        Thanks for replying. My week was horrible though! But today has been a lot less stressful.



          I'd take a relaxing bath/shower and go the extra mile in terms of shaving and scrubbing and creaming, putting on make-up (if you do) and picking out what to dress - all that takes a loooong time and then when you're done, you'll feel really beautiful and sexy for him.


            or you could .... cook something. cooking for my SO always makes me happy and keeps the excitement up too i bet when he comes he will be starving
            and what lunamea said - id do that too

            oh, wait... but he's already with you. so maybe for the next time


              lol I usually am so anxious and excited but I can take a long time to get ready and get thats what I do or try to keep myself and my mind realllly busy! Glad you get to see your SO, have a great time. How long do you get to spend time with him for?


                I got nothing. I'm the one that goes to him since I'm making the move, so what I usually do is think. My usual thoughts? "Oh look a clou--OH MY GOD! STAY ON THE ROAD! We're gonna crash, we're gonna crash, we're gonna crash, we're-- It's illegal to use your cellphone on the road, jackass! I hate teenagers and their texting sometimes... Thank God I'm not the one driving" *answers a text message*

                Find a move you love or haven't seen yet and watch that :P. I'd say book, but...nevermind. Go for the book :'D.

