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What does LOVE to you mean?

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    What does LOVE to you mean?

    I read some posts here and lots of you are wrtiting that you love your SO and your SO loves you.. I mean some people said those "three magic words" already a few times to different bf/gf.., some say those words after a few days and someone after months or even years.. but what does that actually mean if you say someone that you love him/her?

    Me and my SO felt deeply in love witheachother but we've never said those words. I guess it also depends on the individual deffinition of love -if there is a deffinition.. Have you talked about what love to you mean before you told it eachother?

    we havent really discussed what love means to each other... heh...

    but i knew when he told me that he meant it. because he didnt just blurt out "i love you," he whispered it and was really nervous that i wouldnt say it back (the sweetest thing!!). if he was just saying it without being anxious, id think that maybe he hadnt thought about what love really means

    we said it after 3 months... its a short amount of time, spose, but through those 3 months we had been taking it pretty slow (our whole relationship has been slow haha) and we had been on holiday apart from each other, and before that we had seen each other alot.. so we realised we missed each other... and then realised how we didnt like being apart....

    i asked him something a few months back... "you started saying "love" in texts just after you went on holiday... how come? what changed?"
    and he said... "i dont know, something just changed is all"

    plus we never ever say we love each other if we dont mean it. if we are in an argument we wouldnt say "i love you too" if we didnt mean it (thats how things get resolved haha)


      we still haven't said it, really..he did once when drunk, but that's it really. I know he was deeply hurt by his ex and still had feelings for her up until recently. It does sting a little, but it's better than pretending something that's not true...I want us to really mean it when we say it and I suppose so does he..I mean he's at an age where everyone else is getting married and having children and neither of us knows what is going to happen in the future.
      I really do have deep feelings for him and so does he and I think as long we both know that, that's enough.


        Ive posted this on some other thread but i'll just retype it here. It took me 6 months to say the 3 little words but he never replied. I did ask him why the visit after i said it. He said, my actions show him i love him, he's been trying very hard to show me he loves me via actions, but he thinks only when your "jar of emotions" is bursting should you ever say those words. And i have to say i agree. A year or so into our relationship i was over with him and i was literally bursting with emotions for him. I said it and i could keep back the tears, and then he said it too. Everytime we say it im just flooded with emotions. We never say it in text, cards, on skype only ever in person, looking into each other eyes.....yes im cheesy i love the cheesy ness in our relationship xD


          For me, love - true love, unconditional love - is being selfless. It's knowing you'd do anything for the good of the other person... even if it meant giving up your life to save theirs. I don't think consciously about my interpretation every time I say those three words to my SO, but that's how I feel at base


            I can't explain it.. But David and I have know each other for 7 years now, it was love at first sight, and when we finally could be together we said it after a couple of day's.

            Weird thing about it, is that for me it means more if I say it in Dutch then if I say it in English. In Dutch it is:"Ik hou van je!"
            \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
            \\ happens for a reason //

            \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

            \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
            \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //

