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he's gone and I can't stop crying...

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    he's gone and I can't stop crying...

    Hey everyone so my S/O left this morning on greyhound and I cannot stop crying. The tears just keep coming! It seems like it gets harder and harder every time you have to say goodbye. I wonder if it's like that for most LDR's. We've only visited twice in the past 8 months. He was here for 3 weeks. Best 3 weeks of my life. We've built so many new memories so every time i see something that reminds me of him i start to cry. Its only been a few hours so the cracks in my heart are still fresh, I am sure I will adjust to being apart again. I just need to get this out to people who understand what I am going through and maybe even if you could share your stories and how you deal with saying goodbye. It is sooo hard! The most positive thing about this whole situation is that I go home to live with him again in 2 1/2 months! Goodness I want time to fly! I miss him already. Anyways, thanks for reading!

    hang in there Mab..
    i can't really say anything, except that as much as you prepare yourself for this moment, you just can't help but feel the way you do, no matter how close is the next time you'll see eachother..
    i find that crying helps me, it gets all the tension out, and then tires me enough so i actually get some sleep... its good to try and get occupied, if you get your head working on a project, even if its something for him or you both, it still makes you think less..
    2 and a half months is not so long when you think about it, you'll see, it will fly by faster than you expected : )
    *gives hot cocoa and marshmallows*
    Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
    And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
    ~Richard Bach

    “Always,” said Snape.


      Joe and I have only been together in person once (twice after this weekend). It was terrible saying good by to him the first time. I was so sad, but I just kept telling myself that he would be back. And he kept promising me he would be back. I found a quote somewhere (I think on the LFAD site) that also helped me. The quote is: "Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will." While I'm not sure I agree with the "Missing someone gets easier everyday" part, I definitely agree with the part after that.

      Before you know it, the two and a half months will have flown by and you'll be together again. *hugs*


        *hugs* It'll get easier, just need to let a few days go by and let time heal :>

        I've seen Sam 3 times now and last time I cried my eyes out when I had to let him go on the plane and walk away. Felt soooo lonely and miserable without him (we'd been together for 3 weeks so we got used to being around each other). It's been a few weeks now and I still miss him like crazy every single day (obviously) and wish I was with him and in his arms, but it's gotten easier. It's only 17 days until we see each other again so it's all good :>

        Read my signature, it's kinda like what threecheers9980 said.. Keep telling that to yourself, maybe that'll help ;> And we're here for you :>


          You're on the home strech now! You can do this!

          I can't really relate, because the only time I've had to put Obi on a plane was for a two week visit to one of his other mates in my home country, I knew he was comming back soon, so it was easy. All the other goodbyes have been him putting me on a plane. I do know that walking away isn't easy, and that your bf hurts as much as you do.

          I always just focused on the next time we'd be together... plus the plane from canada to australia leaves at midnight and I was heavily drugged with travel sickness pills, so 15 hours of sleep tends to help heartbreak.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            It can be hard, but definitely gets easier especially the more you know how to go about getting back to your routine when your SO isn't around.


              I don't have experiencing with this with my boyfriend now, cause we haven't met yet in person. But my previous LDR relationship i remember that pain..and it is super hard..but it will get easier. Hang in there!


                Thanks everyone for your support! It makes me feel not so alone! I also went out with a friend today just took a walk along the water and did spent some time together so that really helped to get my mind in a better place Thanks again!!

