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Best Guy In The World!

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    Best Guy In The World!

    OK so maybe there's a lot of people out there who think their SO is the best in the world but I don't care :P Right now, mine wins - he's dropping by on Sunday night just becuase he know's I'm freaking out about exams. So he's dropping round, coming to church with me (which he only does for me) and then either taking me out for dinner or cooking for me before we go back to mine and watch a film of my choice (he even said we could watch my fave which he hates) and I fall asleep after about ten minutes (this will happen becuase it always does - he's too comfy and I can't help it..). THEN on Monday morning he's coming with me to hol my hand while I give blood because I'm scared of needles. I LOVE HIM!!!!!

    What recent things have happened that makes you think your SO is the best person in the whole wide world?

    He called me before to say he loves me because he wanted me to hear him say that and.. we're on msn now and got our cameras on and he called me agaaaain and said he loved me even though it costs loads and ahhhh<3 I'm so in love. He makes me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world (and I soooo am ;>).. and the most beautiful.. and the most loved.. and ahhhh<3 I'm so happy. So so soooooooo happy. He's perfect<3


      He puts up with my shit
      Like last night I was pmsing and insecure and I'm like "Do you still love me?" (He tells me he loves me at least 6 times a day - sometimes more - and his actions reflect that. I was just hormonal.) So he took my hands and kissed me, and told me he loved me and wanted me, that there was no one in the world that could make him as happy as I do and that he wanted us to stay together forever... and all that mushy stuff *embarrased*
      This is a good thread! I will be back here!
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        My birthday is coming up and since he just left for ranger school he won't be able to call so last night we went on webcam and we each had a cupcake with a candle so he could sing happy birthday to me. Then I opened my presents he sent me and one of the boxes was filled with cat toys and things, he explained that tomorrow after his mom and I get our nails done we're going to the animal shelter where I can pick out any kitten I want, he sent his mom money to pay for it : ) I've been wanting a kitten for a year and a half since I had to put my 13 yr old cat down soon after christmas and he was there with me.


          He puts up with my shit
          Like last night I was pmsing and insecure and I'm like "Do you still love me?" (He tells me he loves me at least 6 times a day - sometimes more - and his actions reflect that. I was just hormonal.) So he took my hands and kissed me, and told me he loved me and wanted me, that there was no one in the world that could make him as happy as I do and that he wanted us to stay together forever... and all that mushy stuff *embarrased*
          This is a good thread! I will be back here!

          My parents basically ruined the plans we had for meeting up this summer by waiting forever to decide on dates (so that the super cheap flight we had found was gone ) and changing their minds on something last minute. It ended up tripling the price he was going to have to pay for plane tickets. I was on the verge of tears until he told me that he didn't care how much he had to pay, then said he'd just give up going to Starbucks so he'd have enough money, and that he'd do anything for me (which is a big deal since we're both Starbucks addicts :P)


            I'm handicap and a recovering drug addict :P. Shit happens XP. Anyway, he's the one who's helped me get sober and stay sober. I think we've both agreed though that if I relapse we're not doing this shit again cold turkey @_@. I seriously lost all regulation of my body temperature and almost died several times. Then there were those several times the physical pain overcame me and I tried to hang myself XP. It was definitely not a good experience :P. Anyway, he put up with all of that crap and more XP.

            Then there's me being handicap. Been almost a year since I became handicap, and I've been crippled most of our relationship O_o. I've been having a lot of trouble dealing with it since I've actually had to become quite dependent on people, and he's helped me cope. He's also carried me around xD. I'm usually not too bad, just on a walking cane and very little sense of balance. There are times though where my back just craps out and I can't move my legs at all. If he's around during those times, he carries me around or brings me the crap I need. He does all of this without complaining, and without me ever asking. Then there's the cripple jokes! My best way of coping is to make jokes about my predicament. He always comes up with new ones :'D!


              lol, on Monday night Alex got on video and he had Tuesday off so he told me that we were staying on video all night. so we 'cuddled' and fell asleep together. >w<


                He left his home country to move in with me today, and end our distance. <3


                  Honestly? He's just there for me. c:


                    he's dreaming of me halfway across the globe... ; )
                    Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                    And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                    ~Richard Bach

                    “Always,” said Snape.


                      Originally posted by So_Far_Away View Post
                      OK so maybe there's a lot of people out there who think their SO is the best in the world but I don't care :P Right now, mine wins - he's dropping by on Sunday night just becuase he know's I'm freaking out about exams. So he's dropping round, coming to church with me (which he only does for me) and then either taking me out for dinner or cooking for me before we go back to mine and watch a film of my choice (he even said we could watch my fave which he hates) and I fall asleep after about ten minutes (this will happen becuase it always does - he's too comfy and I can't help it..). THEN on Monday morning he's coming with me to hol my hand while I give blood because I'm scared of needles. I LOVE HIM!!!!!
                      Haha that sounds like things i'm planning for my girlfriend
                      I want to be with her and spend every second with her no matter what we do
                      And as your bf i will start to go to church just for her


                        he just loves me for who and what I am. All the crazy flaws and stupid things I do.

                        He also texts me the most beautiful texts, like one i got the other day that said "You are just simply a beautiful love"...he makes my heart melt.
                        He also writes me songs and then sings them to me. He has written 2 all ready and is working on a 3rd. I love him


                          Hehe So we ended up getting distracted and missing Church (totally not our fault btw - my phone broke) but still managed to go out for dinner. I made it (as predicted) through about 10 mins of I, Robot before I was asleep Lol! Lovely evening, and now I'm just sad he's not here, but 14 hours is better than nothing, so still smiling

