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2 weeks

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    2 weeks

    O.O it's 2 weeks until I go to Canada. O.O seriously, I never thought it would come this close. ^^;; sounds really stupid, but this is like an, "oh crap, it's actually going to happen" moment. I'm excited, really excited, as I believe it will go well, at the same time, because of numerous comments made by a particular friend I hung out with yesterday I'm very nervous and a little scared. ^^;

    I mean, in 2 weeks I'm goign to fly from Texas to Alberta! I'm going to a country I've never been to to meet a man I've only spoken to online. Crazy, ne? I guess not so much in a community of people who are going/have gone/will go through the same thing... still, it's discouraging to hear negative things from close friends.

    Anyway, any tips for me? Any advice for how to not feel nervous or how to make meeting a little less awkward, at least? ^^; I'm so excited...but my stomach is churning. ^^;

    I think it is normal that you are nervous! I was nervous before I met my SO :P That churning in your stomach is a good thing! It is part of being in love However, if you do not want to feel nervous, I suggest just telling yourself over and over again that everything will be fine whenever you start to feel that way. Also, whenever I am worried, I try to put my mind off of the situation by making myself busy.

    But as for your friend....I suggest just ignoring everything she has said if it is negative. You will be absolutely fine. I think people who have not been through this kind of situation cannot comprehend the entire situation. When I was in high school, I had a friend who flew to meet a boy she met online, and I thought she was crazy! Well, not crazy, but I thought it would be extremely dangerous. I did not tell her any of my concerns, but I thought it wasn't a good idea. Now, having been in the same situation, I understand what she was going through

    Both of us were REALLY awkward when we first met, so I think that is probably normal. It is a huge transition meeting the person in person when all you had before is a computer screen and their voice. It is like meeting them all over again, but it is exciting in a way! I still remember how nervous our first meeting was and it makes me smile I do not know if this will help you, but this is what we did to make things a tiny bit less awkward. We agreed in advanced to bring the other person a gift, and when we met in person, we exchanged them right away. This really helped because it gave us something to talk about right away. It saved us from having a horrible awkward silence--we are both somewhat awkward to begin with!

    But I am happy for you! Have a great time in Canada!


      heh, thanks. I feel a little less stupid now. ^^; Yeah, am trying to work on my book when I'm not at work because I figure that would help me a lot but writer's block does NOT help. ^^;; I was going to bring Alex a present but he says I've gotten him enough for now and that I shouldn't. so, I hope that it isn't going to be insanely awkward. but, yeah...things will be fine. I truly do believe that. It's just that it's 2 weeks away and it feels like today's dragging on and on and I just hope that I can get out of here without too much trouble. ^^;


        I went from PA to Helsinki in December, to do the same thing It must have been OK, cause I'll be there again in 5 weeks! The first few hours were a little awkward and weird, but we settled in easily enough and had the best time ever. Here's my advice - Don't go with a lot of expectations! Let them be fluid and open, and you'll have a better time. Be prepared to be surprised by your SO's oddities My guy always seemed very calm and serene while we talked, but IRL he never stops moving and can't sit still, I totally didn't expect that. Don't sweat the small stuff, things will happen you didn't prepare for, but just go with it. Your time is too short to argue over dumb stuff.

        There's NOTHING I can say to make you not be so nervous, I mean that's kinda impossible! You're excited and about to do something you don't know the outcome of, so just be excited, nervous and enjoy it You're gonna have the best time!
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Enrique came to me the first time :P. Know what he did? Well, we had known each other about 6 months at the time, dated only one, and he randomly decided it was a good time to meet in person. So he decided to tell absolutely no one, not even his dad or grandma who he lives with XP. He told no friends, and he just hopped on a bus to Vegas for the weekend to meet some girl he had only known through the internet and phone calls, in a secluded neighborhood, with only $40 to his name, and stayed in her house, which happened to be in a neighborhood full of traumatized 'Nam veterans xD.

          Like two days later he texted his dad, and got on IM to tell people where he was and why he went :P. I could've easily chopped off his genitals and turned them into wind chimes (if you get the reference, I'll love you forever), been a man, been underage, 50-years-old, or like 500 pounds (no offense to anyone who is, but he is also shallow :P). Everyone obviously freaked XP. It also took months for his grandmother to forgive me (even though I wasn't aware he didn't tell her shit ;_;!).

          Why do I tell you all this? I don't know. I guess I wanted to give you a laugh. I know it helps my own nervousness :'D! By the way, all of this was true and not exaggerated XP. We were idiots almost two years ago :P. I remember those jitters though. Oh God...I was the one waiting, but I couldn't stop pacing or running around the house just to calm down (this was before the crash XP). I suggest not running around in the plane though :P. Does it help if I tell you that he's probably feeling just as nervous and excited? Like I said, I sure as hell did. I actually couldn't eat anything for a week xD. I survived on liquids all those days :P. Then he came and I ate too much from instant hunger @_@... Remember to choke something down XP. If I remember anything else, I'll add it :'D!


            time sure does fly by fast doesn't it? it feels like just yesterday you were still looking for a job : )
            i can perfectly imagine what you're going through right now.. all those feeling, the time that doesn't pass fast enough.. all that excitement is just such a blessing : ) although it can be pretty hard to get back to focusing on everyday life : p
            i agree with what everyone said above, as suggestions to keep the nervousness low... but its just normal to be nervous... i've been with my SO for 5 years (almost) and 4 of them CD.. he's coming in about 6 weeks and i'm already as excited as a child the night before Christmas! we know eachother inside and out, all the good things and bad... but i cant help but feel nervous too... and its not like he'll be at my doorstep tomorrow morning : p it'll be 11 months that i haven't seen him...
            i guess what im trying to say is embrace it : ) its part of the experience, and if it makes you do awkward goofy things together thats not a problem; you'll have funny stories about your first visit : ) keep in mind he's probably just as nervous and excited meeting you, although he doesn't have the excitement of being in a foreign county...
            about all the times i've traveled i was by myself, and i never had any problem... all international flight, some with layover, other no... and the discovery of a new country/ city is always a pleasure to me : ) sure i'm an architect so i'm biased : p but really, its a great thing to have adventures like that... it makes you feel so good and independent, and tiny in this huge world... I LOVE IT!
            Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
            And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
            ~Richard Bach

            “Always,” said Snape.


              i think its totally normal to feel nervous like you are. I know that I will be a complete mess when its finally time for me to meet Mark. I think if you weren't nervous then there would be a problem...being nervous shows just how much he means to you, and that is exciting!

              I hope time flies!!


                Thanks, y'all. ^^ This has helped me feel a lot better. Also, I talked to another friend and told her the issues with the people saying bad things about Alex and my decision to go to Canada to meet him and her response was, "I trust you and your judgment."'s hoping everything goes well, huh? I hope everything goes well... I love him very much. only 13 days now.

