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My Post-Visit Update!

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    My Post-Visit Update!

    Hey all! I know I made a big stink about my upcoming visit with my SO and thought there were problems between the two of us. Turns out, I was being insecure and everything is wonderful. I had a WONDERFUL trip to Rochester with my love! We went ice skating less than an hour after I landed and got to the dorms with him. It was so much fun! Then, we went to his friend's house with like 10 other people to watch the college hockey game that was nationally televised. It was a great game, even though our team lost...we had a fantastic time with his friends. Then, we went back to the dorms and cuddled a little before bed. On Saturday, we spent about 4 hours making out and cuddling. Then, we went for food and relaxed in the lounge with some people in the dorms. We went back to his room and he worked on some homework for awhile, while I surfed the web and read a book. Around 2am, we went to this diner that he and his friends frequent, which I've been to before. I had french toast with bacon and Anthony had grilled cheese and fries. Yum! We got back on floor around 3:30am or so and passed out in each other's arms. We woke up on Sunday around 1pm. We canoodled and made out some more. Before we knew it, it was 5pm and I had to go to the airport at 5:30. He got a ride with a friend to take me there. We said our goodbyes and then I went through security. Now, I'm back home. I miss him so much already, but it was a wonderful trip! I love Anthony so much and I am so glad that I booked the trip. He told me he will definitely be home for his spring break, so 24 more days until I see him! I can't wait. I feel soooo much closer to him now because of this visit. All and all, I'm holding up pretty well, even though I have had a few crying spurts since I got home last night. Oh! I have goodies for you all! I was able to record me finally getting to see him again at the airport! It isn't the best video because I had to record it myself, and also I had to try to edit it a little to cut out some of the walking around the airport. It took me like 15-20 minutes to finally locate him. I hope you like the video anyway.

    I also have a picture of us from ice skating! Here we are!

    Also, he gave me this! He had gotten that made for free at one of the buildings on campus earlier on that Friday before I arrived. It was a 3D picture of his head in a crystal cube. It was beautiful and he told me he wanted me to have it. He said instead of a picture of him, I now have a 3D image of his head. It's so pretty and is sitting on my nightstand next to my bed now. I LOVE IT!

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

    Aww cute! Glad it was a good time!

