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In a LD Relationship anyone experience anything like this?

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    In a LD Relationship anyone experience anything like this?

    So after 2 reaaally bad experiences with ld relationships I swore them off forever and my previous not so long distance being a bunch of lies, i decided to take it easy was single for a bit over a year now then, joined a few forums to chat with a few people with similar interests make some new friends. Well I started talking to a girl, who lives in Sweden, me being in Las Vegas, NV in the US. At first it was just small talk, bout things how each others cultures differed from each other to. We talked here and there for a few days and finally she asked me if there was an easier way to talk via messenger for now. Now I did plan on making new friends on this forum so I thought 'hey i can say i have a friend in sweden pretty cool' well we ended up talking for a good 13 hours straight despite having work and her having school we talked like we were old friends catching up with each other. Nothing that's happened with a stranger before, I kept it to myself for the time. The next day we ended up talking, with our time difference my morning is her evening so we managed to talk for another 8-10 hours straight before i had to head to work and her sleep. I had the same strange feeling of talking to someone who meant a great deal to me, at some time. Whether it be a best friend or something more.

    I mentioned it to her and she agreed with me completely, was the one to mention it was like talking to someone you haven't seen for a very long time. we talked about past relationships, we both had been in a ld at one point that was just all sorts of bad news. 1 for her 2 for me.
    now after saying how turned away from the idea, i had a night off while she slept n got to thinking too much, the way we connected and got along, if there was anybody I'd wanna try out a ld with it'd be her, she was the first person who has sparked any interest in me of pursuing a relationship (though I went on casual dates every so often)

    I just flat out sent a message to her asking her how she would feel with about attempting one more LD but with me, we talked in the morning and she did say she cared a great deal for me, but was worried about it not working out. That most of her wanted it but she was scared.. well eventually we agreed we'd give it a shot, if it didn't work out it was very important we stayed friends.

    Now this is 5 days ago, we have talked for 12-13 hours straight for the past days, we get along so well and have the same views on literally everything i can't even begin to describe how unreal it seems. Its the first time I've had this kind of connection with somebody and want something to work out, I'm hoping I can get advice from many of you other LDer's on here ^^; Sorry if this was a bit long but i just thought I'd share.

    Do you compare close distance relationships? Just because one didn't work out doesn't mean all of them from then on are destined to, It is just like LDRs, just cause one didn't work out doesn't mean a new one will be the same. You both already know what goes into one, think of them being test runs. You found out what works and what doesn't, you know you need communication and trust. I think you will do just fine.


      Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
      Do you compare close distance relationships? Just because one didn't work out doesn't mean all of them from then on are destined to, It is just like LDRs, just cause one didn't work out doesn't mean a new one will be the same. You both already know what goes into one, think of them being test runs. You found out what works and what doesn't, you know you need communication and trust. I think you will do just fine.
      I do yes, but not in the way you might think. I swore em off because of such a bad experience. There was lying, no trust in em. It seemed more like an excuse to 'not' be single wasnt worth it.
      This was pretty much intended as serious from the start, we've been making plans with how this will work what needs to go into it (not knowing any bumps that may be in the road of course) like i said we get along phenomenally. This far outshines any close or previous ld relationship I've had. Just 5000+ miles is a bit of a nerve wrecker when thinkin of it hah.


        While it is daunting to think of the miles apart or how long it might take to close the distance, your life is enriched by having someone so special in it. It seems like you have such open communication already which is great, so if you continue that I think you'll be fine too. Whenever you get nervous, remember this is a great community to be a part of through the tough times. Chances are that whatever you experience, someone else on this site can relate to it. Everyone is here to offer advice and celebrate the good times too!


          My girl and I were in this situation also. It was really stressful for us until I abruptly bought tickets to fly over and meet her. It is still early days but just take it slow and TALK TALK TALK.

