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Wanting a bit of advice

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    Wanting a bit of advice

    I have been in a long distance relationship for over three months now, and in less than three months we are finally going to get the chance to spend some time together the thing is I want to put together some little things that are sweet and want some personal thoughts and ideas on the best ways to approach things.

    I was looking into making a few little bits so that he can take them home and remember our time together and have something personally made by me for him. It will be our six month anniversary whilst he is here so I just wnat something that is unexpected but heartfelt.

    Ideas so far:
    Getting a make your own teddy kit - I was worried this might be a bit too girly.
    A photo collage of things he has sent me
    A card

    Any help will be grately appreciated =]

    Hi, first off welcome to LFAD...I saw you just joined

    For your questions, I had gotten some ideas together for my bf ( soon to be fiance) and decided on ordering a really nice picture of his fav airplane ( he LOVES planes lol) and framed it really nicely. Another thing I did for our anniversary was write a poem and then went online to find a lil block that it was engraved in. It was personal with the poem but the nice block it was etched into made it lovely. He loved it and even cried lol So those are some ideas and none of them cost that much. Just think of what your bf really likes or loves or is into and try to think of incorporating that or like I can never go wrong with a loving poem! Hope this helps. Good Luck!


      I think if anything the second idea is too girly, but that's just me I'm not someone you should listen to!

      Uhm, when I visited Obi the first time i wanted to leave him with something special that would constantly remind him of me and give him hope, so I bought us both bracelets (matching unisex ones) and found solid sivler charms of our totem animals (a rabbit and a deer) to hang from them. I gave him his (the one with my totem) at the airport and told him it was how I was going to spy on him while I was gone. The original plan was that once we could be together we'd swap and wear our own totem, but it just never happened. I like him having my mark on him, and I'm very attached to the tiny deer that gets it's antlers tangled in every little thing I do. You might like to do something like that.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

