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How do you know you are succeeding at your LDR?

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    How do you know you are succeeding at your LDR?

    Just a question for everyone to reflect and discuss.

    I know it's different for everyone, but what do you think makes your LDR successful? How do you know you are succeeding? (:

    communication, laughter, and alot of love. I just know in my heart that were succeeding we dont let anything stop us from talking not even a different time zone


      I know we are succeeding because we both feel so strong bonds between us.
      Everything feels so natural and just right. And we know we are in for the long run, despite our young ages.


        I think a relationship in general is succeeding when both parties feel respected, appreciated, that all the effort is worth it and can communicate all thoughts and feelings. When both parties try their best to make the relationship work, listening to each other and learning when and where to compromise for the sake of the relationship.
        Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


          Originally posted by MAB15 View Post
          Just a question for everyone to reflect and discuss.

          I know it's different for everyone, but what do you think makes your LDR successful? How do you know you are succeeding?
          Q1: Trust, Commitment, Communication, Compatibility and Love... (I know there is more)
          Q2: I know we are succeeding since we are able to read each other emotions and understand what each other is feel through Skype when we are chatting. On top of that when times are good, we are having fun and making each other laugh non-stop. On those few occasions when we do quarrel, we learn from each other and try to avoid having the same friction happening again in our future. Another reason we know we are succeeding is well.... our compatibility, it is scary cool some days. For me and my Valkyrie we both have a lot of common ground we share, but how much for sure, we will find out as soon as we try and make a list of everything we have in common.
          One final reason why we are doing so well also is that we talk about 18 hours a week even though we are 7985.05 (8000 rounded) miles apart and have a 15/16 hour time difference.

          My love for you is a journey, starting at forever, and ending at never. ~ Anonymous
          "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
          "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
          "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

          Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


            It's hard to put into words one thing I'm thinking of, the best way I can put it is that even when we are apart and it has been a long time (months) since we've seen each other in person we don't make it feel like we're miles away from each other. When we talk on the phone or on the webcam we just talk like we're sitting right next to each other.
            We've been together for two years and the distance has always been a factor so I think our time as a couple shows that we're succeeding.
            We know that if there's an issue it needs to be addressed even if we are away from each other because communication is key.


              I know that my long distance has been filled with a lot of things to get it to where it is,ability of both people to sacrifice things in their own life for each other, honesty, laughter,a whole lot of love, very good communication...there is really a lot of components to making a relationship work but even that many more for a long distance one!

              I know our LDR is succeeding because we have been together for almost a yr and half, and we are working through the visa process to get married hopefully by the end of this yr. So I'd say we have and are going to survive the some 4500 miles that has separated us.


                I know mine is succeeding because when I am on my 15 min. break at work, i call him, he starts to sing a beautfiul song to me that means sooo much to us...and I close my eyes...he paints a scene of us in the mountain, while this song is playing on the car radio, and we are slow dancing..gazing into eachothers eyes...and its like we are there. I feel him. I feel his gaze upon me, and its strange when I open my eyes..and I am in the break room.

                Our connection is so strong, its like we are the same person. He knows by just a couple words if something is wrong with me..and I know that of him too. He is amazing.


                  Mmmhmmm also a very strong connection with Denise as well, currently i know shes ok if there was something wrong i would know about it. that is major success in my opinion


                    Sam and I connect in levels that I pretty much didn't even know we could. He gives me feelings I've never had before. I love him with all my heart and all my soul, and I truly believe I always will.
                    He makes me the happiest girl in the world, and every single day I feel so lucky to have found him and to be his girl. He makes me feel better than anyone ever has.
                    We're faithful to each other and we can trust each other 110%.
                    We have fun together, we can make each other laugh and we've shared wonderful moments together and have made memories and there'll be plenty more to come.
                    We're always thinking about when we could next see each other and usually set the date before one of us has to leave. We've been thinking about our future and we're aiming for a future together. In the same country. Under the same roof. We even know what to carve on our wedding rings ;>

                    We love each other more than anything in the world, and we know we'll never give up.


                      I was totally against it in the beginning. But I love him. A lot. So here I am. He transferred last year for work. This year has had ups and downs. And eventhough I was miserable in the beginning, I have learned a lot about myself from the experienece. I started learning Spanish a little and I got a certification for my job. I am so much stronger and patient now. My SO comes back home in July. I can't wait!!!

