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is it normal?

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    is it normal?

    Hello all my SO and I have been going through somethings well mainly of late I have been windering if she is the one for me.if im suppose to be with her or not.I hope she is but right now I really don't know.I don't want us to break times I miss her at times idk if shes the one or not I sure hope so.I don't want her to just be a memory of my past.

    Is there anything going on in the relationship that is making either of you want to break up? If not then just be happy, you don't have to know if they are the one this minute, maybe later on you will know for sure. If they make you happy now then thats okay. I hope that my SO will be the one, but I can't be 100% sure, for now I am happy the way we are and not knowing is not a problem.


      I think it's normal especially with the distance to wonder about the what ifs every once in a while, I know none of us wants to think that, but with me at least it seems like it had to come up at some point with the distance and all.
      You shouldn't worry about it too much unless there really, really is reason to doubt you two together.
      You said you want her to be with you in your future, so that should be a sign that you need her in your life, maybe that tells you that she is right for you in some way or other


        Yes im happy being with her there is no reason to break up so idk why I feel this way.i just want us to be happy.makes me sad to feel this way.we Talk about it but idk what else to do.

