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Things you want from your first meeting.

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    Things you want from your first meeting.

    When I meet Brittany for the first time in 12 years, I want to finally be able to take a picture with us both in it.

    Sounds silly, but I think that will be the "wow" moment for me (besides the obvious hugs and effecting. Etc). Getting to see a picture of both of us in the same place at the same time.

    How about you?

    12 whole years? Wow...

    I do remember harbouring the secret hope that my SO would show me some sort of physical affection when we met for the first time. I'd never had a boyfriend before and even though I knew I'd be pretty nervous when we met, I would've been rather upset if we'd come away without breaking the touch barrier. As it turned out, he planted a couple of kisses on my cheek during the course of our rather brief date (which sure made my head spin, haha) and pulled me into a proper hug before I left the station. Yep, I walked away from that tentative initial encounter a very happy girl

    I hope the first time you meet your SO is everything you want it to be and more!


      12 years as friends. We always flirted but we are just trying to get serious now.

      Physical affection is definitely a goal for me too


        Wow! 12 years? and I complain about not meeting my SO in a year lol. I think that's amazing
        I really look forward to taking some pictures so it's like oh my goodness! it's real this isn't one of the millions of dreams I've had lol. I'm super excited to hug him and hold hands. I'm kind of worried i'm just going to awkwardly stare at him lol.


          I think everyone has that worry. Brit is worried she'll cry uncontrolably for the first few minutes. After so long being friends, we are just trying not to stumble our way through the "babe" names and "thinking of you" messages. It's definitely new territory. Very weird territory.

          Friend zoned for over a decade, and I clawed my way out. :P


            Haha i'm worried about crying too.
            That's so sweet and cute! It must be hard to get used to lol. It was hard enough for me and I didn't know him for 12 years. But I had never had cute names or sent thinking of you messages to anyone lol. I'm sure it will be so amazing when you too are together!

            That's way too cool! I'm glad you were able to claw your way out haha.


              No one has ever asked me that before! I have no idea what I was expecting when I first met him...I think I just wanted to see if he was the same in person as he was over the phone. When we met, we had friends with us, so I wanted to see if he was going to act different since his friend was there. He didn't though. However, we weren't a couple when we met; we were simply meeting after a couple months of talking to see how it went. We started dating on the day that I went back home though!

              By the way, glad you clawed your way out! Good luck with the meet!


                When I was at the airport to pick him up for the first time I leaned over to my mom and was like "Its luke I finally get to meet the Backstreet Boys!". Haha. I was quite squeeful. I really expected that "FINALLY!" moment where we just hugged and time stopped and the world spun.

                He barely recognized me and was so beat from jetlag he nearly ran me over. Poor thing was shivering because it was cooler than he expected and his coat was in his luggage. I hugged him but he was too tired to realize it and by the time he had he was fumbling over his carry on. . I expected the signs of affection to be faster than they were. But I wouldnt change a thing.


                  A hug. A kiss. And just time to ourselves to be us. Pictures would be nice but I'm going to have to take them anyhow.


                    Our first meeting was a 3 month long meeting, so the first day or so was a little.. tense? There was a lot of sexual tension between us but I was so shy because I'd never had a boyfriend before and we were both nervous. When we met at the airport, I gave him a quick hug. I know he was expecting more, a lot more, but at that point in time, that was all I felt comfortable with. Once we got back to my house we sat on my couch and talked for like 3 hours or something and he just took his time getting used to being in another country. The next day we went out with my friends, and the day after that we finally kissed amongst other things


                      Well, we've had our first meeting, but that was it so far. For our second meeting I espect to meet her friends and to play video games with her! Also, more from the usual: Long conversations, cuddling, kissing and so on...
                      My blog: A revisit of my most successful LDR. Posting the story of us in chapters.

