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Those moments that make your heart melt (in a good way!)

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    Those moments that make your heart melt (in a good way!)

    Yesterday, I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled and had to get two implants put in as well. I was pretty doped up all day yesterday, and my SO knew how scared and lonely I would be. So, he let me call him to wake him up a couple hours early so we could skype together before my appointment. When I got home, I obviously wasn't up for anything except sleeping. I left my laptop with skype running on the coffee table while I slept. Every time my mom woke me up to change the gauze or for me to take some painkillers, he was still there, reaching out his hand so he could "hold" mine. Five hours after I got home, I was only half-awake and my parents noticed my SO was getting sleepy. They told him he could go to bed. He politely declined because he knew I still needed him :3. I slept for three more hours and was able to be a bit more active after that. We watched a bunch of TV together on Youtube and he didn't mind that I had to type everything I wanted to say. He didn't even laugh too much when I failed at eating pudding and milkshakes :P.

    All of that yesterday reminded me just how lucky I am to have him, and his loving caretaking from thousands of miles away really made my heart melt.

    Has your heart melted lately?

    This is adorable! my husband used to do the same thing when i needed and be online there waiting for me on Skype!

    you got a keeper!
    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


      aww thats such a cute story he sounds adorable! Definatly a keeper!

      At the top of my head is when i told my parents about me going to visit my SO for months. Was on the phone, and so my SO was online with me while I did it. It did not go well, and it ended with me crying, I couldn't stop at first, my SO was there reassuring me that I did good on the phone, and that he loves me, and I couldn't calm down yet, then he sent me a video he had made almost two years ago of him singing our song, after watching it i was calm. It was late for him so i told him thanks i feel better but he should sleep now, but he stayed up with me (we have a 8 hour time dif) He was just there for me. He always is there for me when i need him, he'll wait up or stay up, he makes me feel better. I love that during the struggles we come out stronger. Love him so much
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        That's so cute! Sounds like he cares a lot for you!

        I have in mind one that is actually embarrassing to tell but I'll give it a go. Once my little sister got lice and unfortunately I got them from her.

        My SO was staying at home and I just knew that I had to tell him, because I would be unable to hug him much to keep his head clean, specially since he had long, messy hair at that time. I struggled a lot because it was embarrassing. Finally I told him and I even cried because I was ashamed. He just looked at me all cute and I could not look at him in the eyes. He tried to hug me and I kind of kept my head away from his while he did, instead of our typical cheek-to-cheek. He let me go and said "You are pretty wrong if you think a few bugs will keep me away from you. There is no reason for you to be embarrassed."

        I just replied he was saying it just because he was my boyfriend. He insisted that he did not care and that it was not my fault. I still struggled to look at him in the eyes. So he grew frustrated with this and he took my face gently first as if he was going to kiss me...but instead he rubbed his head against mine and did not let me go until he was done with it. He laughed a lot and said "There! now we both have lice. May I embrace you now?!"

        Of course that week we both worked in getting rid of those with shampoo and stuff :P because he did get them from that head-rubbing. Every day of that week he would caress my head and look if I had anything. I love when he touches my hear but this time it was embarrassing, so he "forced" me by offering a reward. "If you behave, I'll get you some candy" (I have a weakness for sweets). "If you let me do it, we'll go somewhere fancy to have diner". Or the best of them, since he's a great writer... "if you allow me to do this, I'll tell you a story as I do." So I allowed him to look for those little monsters in my head as he told me beautiful stories...and then I got candy and dinner. He pampered me a lot during those embarrassing days and treated me like a queen.

        In a few days we were both totally clean and believing strongly in love being inconditional! It is a really strange memory, very embarassing to tell, but still very cute. Makes me feel really lucky to know that he's not superficial. When you say you've got lice, most people try their best to stay away from you and he did all the opposite.


          Very sweet stories indeed

          A treasured memory of mine is from when we spent a weekend by the coast last summer. On our first evening we stayed down by the sea until the sky darkened and the wind picked up; we were far away from our guest house and both inadequately dressed. We had to walk all the way along the esplanade to get back home, and with every step the cold made my stomach ache more... by the time we were indoors I was doubled over in agony. I sat on the carpet with my eyes screwed shut and my arms wrapped around my middle; after a few moments my SO lowered himself next to me and began to rub my back in small circles. We stayed like that for a while before he made me a cup of mint tea, waited while I drank it then helped me onto the bed, placing a pillow on my stomach and pulling me into his arms. For a long time we simply lay in the darkness, listening to the wind buffeting the flagpole at the bottom of the street (our place was right next to the seafront) and the sound of each other's breathing. I felt so safe, and after some time, so serene, and before long the pain had subsided. How I love it when my SO takes care of me!

