About 3 more years once we are done with college. We're not sure where yet, we just know definitely after we are done school =)
No announcement yet.
How long till you close the distance
Ideally we'll be closing the distance June 1stSo 3 months from today! If not then, should be 2-3 weeks later at the latest!!
Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free
Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
Closed the distance June 18, 2012!
Its so interesting to read everyone's stories. I think sometimes its weird for us because we're not at school. Im 24, he's 23 so its like why dont we just move but its not as easy as that. I may have some news though, nothing is definite but I spoke to my mum about how I was feeling and that I'm worried I will wait 2 years for him to come here and then something will happen and he wont come and I worry about going there etc. She has said that she will help me out financially (which was the biggest problem) and if I can get him here on a student visa (6 months) when he finishes the army then she will help us rent somewhere to live and he can do an English course!!! I am so excited about this because my mum was always so against us and now she is offering to help so that makes me so happy. My boyfriend doesn't know this yet as I only discussed it with my mum yesterday and I'm waiting for him to phone so I can tell him!
I'm so excited but a little worried about what he will say. If he says no, I dont know what I will do because this is such a great opportunity for us. I have seen some really good english courses near where we would rent, one is even a business one so you get a qualification at the end of it and they help you find work. If the 6 months goes well, and we can get him a job, we could change his visa to a work visa after that and he could stay!!!! Wow, that would be so amazing. If not then we make a new plan...all I have to do now is tell him and see what he says! Scary!
Won't be for 2 years. I am still finishing up my college were as my SO is already done and has a job. I wish I was done -_-; I would be done this spring but I switched majors twice so I'm behind. Sometimes I want to say screw school XD
Well, I told him ad luckily he said yes! So, we have a completely new plan now! As long as we can get him a visa he will be coming here in june/july, depending on visa and he will stay here for 6 months and study. If things go well we will look for a job, if he finds one, we will change his visa to a working visa and go from there. I'm so excited and happy, got lots to do before I go and see him in may though! I feel so much better now I have a proper plan, like I can see this relationship going somewhere now! I hope everyone else has some luck that will bring them closer to their SO!
I graduate next May and then after that I have to do a fellowship for 9 months. I want to get one in the school system so I'll probably get my license to practice sometime in the spring or summer of 2014. I'm moving back to MD for my fellowship and I'm excited because then we'll be within driving distance! He's looking for jobs in Maryland for the 2012-2013 school year, so we're praying something works out! We're hoping to get engaged in the next 2 years. We'll probably get married and move in together shortly after I find a permanent full time job. I would never get married without a full time job and he completely understands and is more than willing to wait.
Originally posted by AEAS View Post3-4 more years. I have to finish Highschool, and I'm probably going to 2-year college out here before moving away.
Next year...I'm planning for next April, so right around one year hopefully. School is not an issue (finished both undergrad and grad degrees already), but money is! I'm currently trying to pay down my student loans and save, so when I move to his country I won't be in such a financial tight spot.