I'm not usually one to post here when I'm missing my SO but this time is a different circumstance. I haven't heard anything from him since 11:40 pm of the 25th. I'm really missing him and I've been so frustrated with not being able to find a job and struggling financially. And now I have no idea where he is, what he's doing or why he hasnt contacted me. I've spent the last 2 days crying myself to sleep. I've been incredibly sad these past few days and now I'm worried and starting to get angry that he's putting me through this. Everything was fine and now its been nearly 3 days since I've heard from him. I dont know what to do and the seconds are just dragging by as I wait...
No announcement yet.
So worried and upset.
Hey girl! Okay first thing first, BREATH!!!Take a few steps back and take a few deep breaths.
Does your BF work or go to school?
Maybe he is really busy right now?
When was the last time you tried to get ahold of him?
Has there been times when there was a day or 2 of no communication?
What i would do is try your best not to worry and take care of yourself right now.
You said "I've been so frustrated with not being able to find a job and struggling financially."
Honey, I know the feeling i am in that same boat. Concentrate on yourself right now and get yourself together. Give him sometime he will get back to you. I use to get upset when i didn't hear from my bf (at the time) for awhile but, when i did hear from him or see him we talked and he explained that his job was making him nuts. Had enough time to work and sleep.
It will be okay.Things happen for a reason especially when you never expected it
Hey, it's okay. I'm sure everything is fine. Are they on a tournament? Maybe their coach has been up their butts these past few days. Maybe he got hurt and has been resting up? There's probably a hundred reasons. Has he been on facebook or anything? I'm assuming you've tried calling and texting, but I'd say to call up his house/family if you don't hear from him tonight. Like you said, you've been busy lately right? Maybe he's just giving you some space to get things figured out. It's okay to be worried and scared. Everything will be okay though. Just don't panic okay?
I'e sent him about 10 texts and left him 2 voicemails in the last 3 days just asking him to let me know he's ok. He's usually so good at contacting me, this is not like him. He's a semi professional athlete and I know he has been on the road but he had called me during the roadtrip and said "I'll talk to you tomorrow." and then nothing. I've been keeping myself as busy as possible with school but I'm just not sure why this is happening, and as more time goes by the more worried and upset I am getting.
He has no family to contact. So the fact that I'm not able to get ahold of him is even more worrying. He also has no computer just his phone and he hasnt been on facebook or any of the forums he usually is for the last day or so...
Finding myself.
I agree with the others. Just relax. Don't think the worst thing first. Try to calm down and think of all the other reasons why he might not be able to contact you for a few days. Anything is possible. It isn't healthy to assume the most horrible thing right off the bat, even though I know we all do it. Try to get in contact with other people that know him, or might have heard from him. Do whatever you can to try and reach him, and don't worry about bugging people. If this isn't normal behavior for him, then you have every right to try and find out what's going on.
Just don't freak out until you get a bit more information.
I'm going to step out of the box here. If you say this is really uncharacteristic of him, I think you have a right to be worried. There's NO WAY for you to get in touch with someone who'd know if he was ok or not? A friend on Facebook? Anything?
Sometimes we all get caught up in life but for me, 2 days of complete silence, not even a 'hey I'm busy' isn't ok. If this my boyfriend ceased communication with me for two days I'd be extremely worried.
I say give him one more day and then see if there isn't someone you can't reach out to if you haven't heard from him by then to at least know he's safe.
(And I'm sorry for agreeing with your anxiety, I just had something horrible happen to a friend and her fiance when he went missing ... I would think that being proactive and making sure everything is ok is more important than relaxing. Then again, I have extreme anxiety about death and separation)
I know exactly how you're feeling right now. I normally talk to my man everyday (and we have since we first got together). Last monday night he said "i'll talk to you tomorrow sleep well", i then didnt hear from him. The first couple of days i was like oh he must be busy. On the 3rd day i called his mum, his cousins and no one had heard from him. Couldnt even find him when they went to his apartment. Just before the 5th day...he called. He went away on a soul searching road trip. He just drove off and slept in his car. Yes so unlike him and yes i had a go at him. All i needed was "im ok dont worry".
His phone had died and he couldnt call me.
So maybe his phone had died?
I agree with Sierra, Try and get in contact with anyone who knows him.
His phone has been on and off, I can tell by when my calls go to voicemail and when my texts get received. I don't really have that many ways to check up on him. Soon I'll try seeing if a mutual friend of ours online can contact him. Its just really unlike him to not contact me at all for 3 days. When he got caught up in a snowstorm at a teammates house he used his teammates xbox to send me a message so he's usually really good at finding some way to contact me. I'm not sure if he's in trouble or avoiding me. I dont think its the latter because like I said everything was fine before I stopped hearing from him, so if there is a problem it's something on his end not an argument we had or anything. If he were in trouble I'm hoping a teammate of his would contact me. He has very little family and they dont have a good relationship so I'm not sure how that would even work out. But I've texted, called and emailed and nothing so I dont know what else to do. I'm just waiting...
Finding myself.
Well, good luck in finding out. Let us know when you hear from him! And I still think you should try to remain calm. Nothing good ever comes from freaking out and getting all stressed out. I hope he's okay!
Reality check time:
No one is too busy to not text for more than a day at a time. This is 2012. Text while on the toilet. Before bed. During a meal. At a light. Especially if he has his phone on him. I get frustrated when people say they are "too busy." Maybe too busy to reply all day, but not a few times here and there. Cell Phones make excuses for no contact impossible. In the line at a fast food joint? On break at work? Commercial break in your favorite show?
So, either his phone is broke and he isn't smart enough/able to contact you another way or there is a problem with the LDR. I hope it's not him just being an asshole an not manning up if he has a problem.
Give him an additional day and after that, if your relationship is public, ask where he is on his Facebook wall. "You need to talk." Draw a line in the sand now or you'll be pushed around later.
(note, I'm a realist. Usually I have abrasive opinions. Sorry in advance.)
Well Killtrend..i'd agree with what you said although....there is the worry that something bad actually happened. For instance, my man had a heart attack at 28. Physically fit and healthy (military)..ok maybe not so much on the healthy bit but whichevers. I was worried he had another. So yes you're a realist but i think you're forgetting other factors.
Oh i second the advice to write on his FB wall. Just a "hellloooo contact me now! im worried"
I'm sorry to hear about the situation, sweetheart... as the others have said though, do try your best not to panic. I agree with Sierra on this one; if you haven't heard anything by tomorrow get in touch with anybody else you think may be able to contact him. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for his silence - you mention you guys haven't been having any difficulties as a couple, so I can't imagine he'd be ignoring you on purpose - and I do hope you get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. I'm sending lots of positive energy your way
Originally posted by ChibiFelicia View PostWell Killtrend..i'd agree with what you said although....there is the worry that something bad actually happened. For instance, my man had a heart attack at 28. Physically fit and healthy (military)..ok maybe not so much on the healthy bit but whichevers. I was worried he had another. So yes you're a realist but i think you're forgetting other factors.
Oh i second the advice to write on his FB wall. Just a "hellloooo contact me now! im worried"
Pretty sure she said that she got a voicemail sometimes and it went straight through others. So that leads me to believe he is getting the messages. Or someone is, and they don't have the mental aptitude to reply to a distress message with "he's in the hospital."
"When you hear hooves, don't think zebras."