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Different religions, anyone else?

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    Different religions, anyone else?

    (I totally posted this in the adult forum without realizing it. It's meant for this one)

    Alright, let me just say that I am NOT in this relationship to change him. And now we begin.
    To avoid a long story, I'm a Christian.
    He's a Toaist...sort of.

    We've talked about religion a lot, and how we feel about our beliefs. When we talk about it, it seems casual, but I can't help but worry.
    As some people might know, Christians aren't supposed to marry people of other religion, but I can't help but rebel against that notion. I really love him, and he loves me, and my parents love him, despite that they know he's not a Christian.
    But when the future comes to mind, I sometimes worry. Will it be an issue in the future? (I do know a couple of different religion who have been married for a while, but the just recently got over some marital problems.

    So...I guess I was just wondering, is there anyone else like us? And if so? Has there ever been any problems, and how do you cope with them?
    And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

    Originally posted by BlackRoseOpal View Post
    (I totally posted this in the adult forum without realizing it. It's meant for this one)

    Alright, let me just say that I am NOT in this relationship to change him. And now we begin.
    To avoid a long story, I'm a Christian.
    He's a Toaist...sort of.

    We've talked about religion a lot, and how we feel about our beliefs. When we talk about it, it seems casual, but I can't help but worry.
    As some people might know, Christians aren't supposed to marry people of other religion, but I can't help but rebel against that notion. I really love him, and he loves me, and my parents love him, despite that they know he's not a Christian.
    But when the future comes to mind, I sometimes worry. Will it be an issue in the future? (I do know a couple of different religion who have been married for a while, but the just recently got over some marital problems.

    So...I guess I was just wondering, is there anyone else like us? And if so? Has there ever been any problems, and how do you cope with them?
    Maybe I'm not the best person to dole out religious advice because I really don't have much positive to say about organized religion, but I think when it comes down to it, you have to forge your own path in life. Religion is a highly personal thing, and I don't think that you need to follow every aspect of any dogma in order to be in good standing with a higher power who, after all, allotted humans free will. As long as neither of you try to force your religious beliefs on the other and are all right with seeing things differently, I think it's perfectly plausible to build a happy and fulfilling life together. I don't think it's something you really need to worry a lot about as long as both of you are on the same page.


      Been a few threads on this already, here and here are two recent ones.

