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Giggles :P

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    Giggles :P

    Sometimes I'm afraid of talking to my SO on the phone ... because there isn't ONE sentence that doesn't ends with an annoying giggle of mine! -_____-I get irritated with it, and I think so does he. Lol who wouldn't ... but thing is I only do it when I talk to him! >_<
    Any suggestions on how I can control that annoying giggle?!?! And whether anything similar happens to you?

    Do you feel self-conscious when you speak to him on the phone? I can be a bit of a titterer in response to nervous excitement etc. myself, and it's something which used to happen to me too when my SO and I first started speaking on the telephone (and going on webcam, come to think of it). When you feel a giggle coming on, try and concentrate on your breathing. I often find if I take a couple of breaths it catches the laughter in my throat. Also, focus on what you're talking about with your SO. If there isn't anything funny you don't have any reason to laugh, right? When it comes to things like this I think you have to be logical; it's a case of mind over matter. Perhaps give those methods a try and see how you get on!


      Yes a little bit, and it is excitement I think
      .. breath and focus ... I think I can do that. Lol im for some reason nervous all the time he calls :/ good nervous I hope. Thanku!!

