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Not sure how to feel

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    Not sure how to feel

    Recently, my SO and I have been struggling a lot.

    This past Sunday, my SO and I had a very length conversation about what the future looks like for us. He’s very unsure about how the future looks. In addition to these thoughts, he told me that he's been feeling so mixed and confused about what he wants with us and with his life. I’ve also been having a hard time and have been very hard on him lately and I know he’s getting sick of me being so picky and harsh. So, he decided that we should take a break and I agreed. He said he just need some time to figure things out. We’ve never taken a break before in the 2 years we’ve been together so this was new for us.
    The break lasted all of three hours until he called me very upset and crying and said that it just doesn’t feel right not to talk to me and he couldn’t imagine going a day without saying anything to me.

    I’m thankful that we decided not to do the break because it would have been very hard, but I’m not sure how to feel about this. On one hand, he really showed how much he cares about me by calling me after only three hours and saying he couldn’t stand the idea of not talking to me and I really appreciate that (since it’s very difficult to ever get him to talk about how he feels).

    Was it just the thought of not talking to me and being without me for a while all it took for him to figure things out about us or is this just him being confused again?
    I really want to believe that he feels better about us. He says he does, but I really don’t see how.

    Well, right now all you can do is take him at his word and go from there.

    I have had days where I am just done with LDR and decide I cant do it anymore. So I tell my SO i need space and to figure some stuff out. But after a while (like hours) the realization of being with out him kicks in and i realize that really ISNT what I want.

    But it shouldn't take that for him to figure it out. I think if you are both confused right now, then just take a step back. Maybe try getting to know each other again and remembering why you are together and why you are putting up with the distance. Sometimes the distance just really gets to people and you have to take a step back and realize whether you uncertainty is because of each other or if it is the effects of the distance that are clouting your feelings.
    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


      LDR's are overwhelming at times, the stress of the unknown, and the fears. It all becomes to much sometimes. I know i've had my moments where i just would cry in frustration, and i had my share of weak moments. It gets to us all at times. But after a few moments, usually after my cry, i breath and am reminded why im going through this, who im going through this for. Having to take a step back and remember why you've held on. How much there worth it. And that the distance isn't forever. I don't believe in breaks, i really don't, but after you guys talked it out, going out and having me time to clear your head, unwind, and reminisce about everything helps me.
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3

