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How Did You Meet?

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    How Did You Meet?

    Our LDR story is an unexpected yet romantic one.

    I've been a big fan of The Walking Dead since it started airing in '10, and later last year signed on to a forum to talk about it and get my nerd on a little bit. After a few weeks on there, I received a message from another one of the members talking to me about a particularly obnoxious fellow poster and how to ignore him. This member and I had started commenting back and forth not long before that, so it was nice to get the message.

    That message was the beginning of the rest of my life.

    Within a day and a half, we were emailing each other, a few days phone-calling, a week and a half Skyping, and a month to the day, we'd closed the 2,500 mile distance and were in each other's arms. The second I saw him, I felt like I'd seen him a thousand times before, and being in his arms was familiar in a way that nothing else had been. We spent 5 wonderful days together, and even brought our origins full circle by visiting places our favourite show was filmed at. I'd never felt more complete than when I was right next to him. And that feeling has only grown ever since.

    We started out under very non-traditional circumstances and despite some efforts on both our parts to not fall into it, coming together was inevitable. We just collided. We'll be closing our distance for good in September.

    Last Friday, J proposed. I said yes

    Congratulations on your engagement! I'm very excited for you, and wish you both many years of happiness together.

    As for my fiance and I, it was definitely fate at work for both of us. In 2008, I did a semester abroad in England where I met one of my closest friends. She met my fiance's brother when we went out for her birthday. My fiance, however, was not there that night for whatever reason. In 2010, she moved over for six months to her live with her then boyfriend, now fiance, and I asked if I could go visit her. It was then that I met him. Almost from day one, I knew he would be someone important in my life. Everything felt so right and easy. Within a month of knowing each other, we officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. 16 months later, he proposed. We are now planning a wedding for August 17, 2013. We are so excited!
    "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

    "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

    Met: August 22, 2010
    Made it official: September 17, 2010
    Got engaged: January 15, 2012
    Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
    Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
    Got married: November 21, 2012
    Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
    Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


      Congratulations to you too, meg! What a great story!


        AWwww congrats!! My SO and I met under the whole "fate" circumstances as well, so I have a particular soft pot for these sorts of stories. Congrats!!!! And best happiness to you!
        "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


          Congratulations on the engagement and cute story!

          My boyfriend and I met on this site for people with Asperger's Syndrome (and other forms of Autism I think) to meet. I wasn't that active on it, only going on it every one in awhile, like when I saw someone messaged me or winked on me ("winking" being a function on that site). On October 7, 2009, my boyfriend Chris winked at me and we started to message back and forth. He made me really happy, and we moved the conversation over to facebook, and I remember he surprised me when he asked if I'd be online the next day, and I told him when I would probably be online and that was the start of our friendship, though we both wanted something more, I had never been in a relationship before and was unsure of my feelings for him and was scared he wasn't being serious about being in a relationship (Though looking back on it I can see now he liked me a lot even back then). We went through a lot together for a few months, and things started getting more serious, webcamming every day by the summer of 2010 and on September 1, 2010, he said he wanted to changed his relationship status because he thought we pretty much were in a relationship, and when he said he was going to change it to "in a relationship with ME I got really excited and as soon as he did it I changed mine too and was so excited after that. I know it's silly using facebook in that way, but it was really the thing that made me realize he was serious because being "facebook official" would mean others would see it and everything. I remember being so excited that I was searching for long distance relationship stuff afterwards and that's how I found this site!! We met for the first time on November 12, 2010, I flew out of Vancouver on November 11 and when we met all the anxieties floated away and were replaced by a familiar safe feeling with him. It was perfect but two weeks was way too short a time to spend with him!! So I spent a month with him last May/June 2011, and now we are counting down the days until I see him June 16, 2012 of this year, for 3 and a half months!! I'm also hoping now to go on the Youth Mobility Visa to be with him for two years in the future and we both know we want to spend forever with each other so we will get married one day.


            I'm J.

            Everything that L shared is just about spot on, except she forgot to mention how that first PM was sent under absolutely unintentional circumstances, partly because I thought she was a he , and that it also set in motion a chain of events that woke me up from a long, dark sleep.

            "That message was the beginning of the rest of my life."
            This statement is just as true for me as it is for her.

            I don't want to sound like a Disney movie, but I seriously though relationships and partnerships like ours were something reserved for film and theater.
            She really is the Jennifer Parker to my Marty McFly. She's the Alli to my Daniel. Sara Thomas to my Jonathan Trager. The Scarlet to my Rhett; Red Sonya to my Conan, and Maggie to my Glenn.

            She's the Lady to my Tramp.

            I love you, baby.



              My fiance (girly giggle!) and i met nearly 4 years ago now on a Facebook game called Yoville. Fate/luck played a huge part in our meeting as the time difference and the amount of people using the game. I was married at the time (i know, it's shitty but you cant help who you fall for). We had an on/off relationship till i finally left my husband in September 2010. We decided to give our relationship a proper chance in October 2010, met for the first time in September 2011, announced our engagement in October 2011. Hopefully by October this year we'll be married and going through the visa paperwork so he can live here in the Uk with me and my little ones.
              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                My SO was at a salsa club trying to pick up gringa girls, and I (a gringa) was there celebrating my friend's last day in the country. He asked me to dance. I said yes.


                  POF and NOT because I was looking. =\


                    Here in the town I live while we were both dating other people (those other people happened to be bro/sis lol). 3 years later, we were single, in Disney, and things just went from there. I wasn't a fan of Disney World, but now? Definitely the most magical place on earth for me

