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Meeting Him AND His Mom

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    Meeting Him AND His Mom

    I'm sure everyone was and is nervous about meeting their SO for the first time. My situtation might be a little different. I'm flying to the states to meet my SO (first time in an airport and airplane) either next month or in May. I'm completely nervous about that alone but, his mom is coming with him too just so he has company for the hour long drive and waiting for me at arrivals. So now I'm paranoid about this! Not only do I want to look good for him but now I need to look presentable for his mother!Thank goodness there will be a restroom to freshen up from my 5+ hours of travel time! Has anyone been in this situation where a friend or family member came along? Thanks everyone and sorry if that was an essay worth of writing

    My mum came along with me to meet my SO for the first time (long story, but it all worked out perfectly in the end ) but trust me, I know it seems like a daunting and horrible thing, in the long run you wont regret it
    Is your SO's mum giving you two personal time? If so, that will be an easier situation, so it wont be too much for you to deal with on the first meeting! But if she doesnt, it may be awkward at first, but if you all go for a casual lunch together, it will all ease you into the situation and hopefully all be OK!


      She's giving us some time. My SO doesn't live with her but she wanted to come keep him company for the drive. I also arrive at around 9 so lunch or dinner isn't an option :P I think we're going out to lunch one of the days I'm there though.


        The first time I met my boyfriend's mum was the morning after our first date
        I obviously didn't plan to stay at his so I hadn't brushed my teeth or face or anything and I had been sleeping (partly) in my clothes and I must have looked like a mess, a huge mess. It was embarrassing and awkward and I anyone after 5h travel time would look a million times more presentable than I looked that morning.
        Guess what? She instantly liked me anyway. He later told me that she even said I was 'well dressed'
        Don't worry about it. If your boyfriend's happy with you, she's going to love you

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          It can go one of two ways. Really well or Really bad. It seems like 'really well' is typical here, so relax.
          Also, even if she doesn't turn out to be your biggest fan? She will want what makes her son happy. You're stealing the heart of her little prince. She may not like it, but she will deal with it if it makes him happy.
          ^That is (kinda) my situation (his mom just now stopped trying to get him to check out other girls).
          From what I've seen here, that is not the typical "mom" reaction. So relax and be yourself. The worst thing you can do is have her like you for someone you're not. Good luck!


            I don't fit at all in this situation ....
            but that's SO cute!! I wish you the best of luck


              when I first met my SO this past summer he was alone at the airport but then we went right over to his Mom's house! in one fell swoop I met his Mom, his brother, her husband. but they were so nice.


                I met my SO and his Mom at the same time! She drove him to the airport (he doesn't drive). I was dead on my feet from an 8 hour flight that was delayed 2 hours then i got stopped and had to answer additional questions. Carry a change of shirt so you feel fresh and remember that your SO has more than likely told her some wonderful things about you and she'll be nervous too. She actually gave me a hug when we met which i didn't expect. I went from the airport to get some lunch, then back to her place for a little while to meet his sister in law (Brother wasn't home from work). SO i can understand the nerves but honestly, you'll be fine.

                My SO's Mom is an amazing lady, she does alot of charity work in her spare time and i was concerned she wouldnt think i was good enough for her son but she's always telling him to be nice to me and buying things for my children (who she hasn't met yet) so the first meeting obviously went smoothly.
                Which reminds me, My SO told me about a week after i came home the conversation he had with his Mom in the car on the way to pick me up..
                He explained that i'd never left the UK and that i was scared of flying as i didn't like heights... her exact words "She's leaving the UK for the first time,flying 4,000 miles just to see you?... you better treat her right!"
                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

