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My Germany visa is rejected :(

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    My Germany visa is rejected :(

    As has been said on the title.. My Germany Visa is rejected

    The reason is: "justification for the purpose and condition of the intended stay was not provided and was not reliable" though I submitted all the documents needed and all.
    But I read on some forum that the actual reason they rejected my visa was that I never met with J (my SO).
    It was such a shock since I never thought it would be like this.
    I am supposed to visit him on 11 April!!

    I am now trying my best to find any solution for this and I also will call the German embassy in Indonesia (or email) for a detail explanation why they rejected it. It was unfair!

    As from J's side, he was surprised too but he's more to pissed off because of the rejection.
    It just.. another shockwave and another obstacle on our relationship.

    Though I won't and will never give up.
    I just need a time to think for other plan, because if they reject again then I will be on black list for all Schengen area and I don't want that.

    Sorry for ranting, it just.. I'm upset and this is not something I would expect to happen.

    Could he come to visit you?

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      Oh sweety that sucks!! and that's soo unfair! I hope you will finally get it.. but can I ask you what it has to do with your SO that you haven't met him yet?


        Sorry to hear .

        I have some friends at my University who require a Schengen visa like yourself. They told me how annoying it is to get a visa. Sadly I think your problem is that you aren't going to Germany for an internship/travel but to visit a person.

        I feel fortunate that I don't have this problem. I think that it might have been rejected because they think you might intentionally overstay the visa.


          Oh that totally blows!!! Good luck trying to repeal! In the meantime, see if he can visit you!


            @Dziubka: he can't visit me at the moment because of his financial condition. I would like him to come of course or even I would buy him a ticket which will be refused by him because of his pride

            @lala: indeed, it sucks. I read on the forum that the embassy somehow have a "guidance" to not approve a visa application for people who got an invitation letter but they never met in person before.

            @Tooki: yeah they might think that way, but I also have a sponsor letter which is signed by my boss (a Dutch man) who guarantee by himself that I will going back to Indonesia as soon as my visit time over.

            @lucybelle: I'm trying my best now to find a way and hopefully I'm lucky enough for that
            And also sadly to say that he can't visit me at the moment. T_T

            This is totally out of my mind.
            I might have to do a written appeal (remonstrance) for this because I can't accept the rejection.
            I well.. still can't think right about what to do. A few thoughts passed my mind but I still have to plan it very well.

            Anyway, thank you for all your concern *hugs*


              Originally posted by krabuzh View Post
              @Dziubka: he can't visit me at the moment because of his financial condition. I would like him to come of course or even I would buy him a ticket which will be refused by him because of his pride
              That's extremely selfish on his part. If you truly were rejected because of not meeting, how will you ever meet? He needs to suck it up and come visit you. You'll be spending the money either way, if you were visiting him you'd be paying.


                That is weird then, if you have a sponsor letter. My take then is that it's because you are visiting for a boyfriend.


                  Awwhh... That really sucks... I hope you'll find a way! I'll be thinking of you!


                    I'm so sorry to hear that! I know it must be hard



                      @Lucybelle: hehe I know it sounds selfish, though actually I don't know how he will react about it if I offer him about this thought. It just my thought that he most likely refused my offer. Speaking of which.. I think I will ask about it to him as the last resort.

                      @Tooki: I think that is.. Gah! I really want to hit my head on my monitor now! *is being emotional*

                      @MissButterfly: thank you.. really.. *hugs*

                      @Kristin91: thank you *hugs*

                      But we will find a way.. *is determined*

                      Some of my thoughts:
                      1. make an appeal (remonstrance)
                      2. use my boss' INA card (Indonesian Netherlands association) and apply to Dutch embassy with reason for a "business trip" --> didn't thought of this before *headdesk*
                      3. wait for 3 months and then apply visa again (last attempt)
                      4. ask him to come and I will pay the ticket (very last attempt, hehe)
                      5. .... no idea for now


                        Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                        If you truly were rejected because of not meeting, how will you ever meet? He needs to suck it up and come visit you. You'll be spending the money either way, if you were visiting him you'd be paying.
                        That is what I was thinking.
                        If you were rejected because you two haven't met yet, the only way you can get a visa to Germany is that you two meet somewhere else than in Germany. The logical thing would be for him to visit you.

                        Getting a Schengen Visa can be so difficult. One of my best friends is Ukrainian, she lives literally one hour from the border and it's so difficult and expensive for her to cross it even for only a day or a few hours
                        I hope you two can find a way to finally meet.

                        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                          Not an expert at all in this, but I thought you could get a EU visa. So for example if you get a visa to France, you can travel throughout all the EU. Have you thought about applying to another EU country?


                            Originally posted by Qman View Post
                            Not an expert at all in this, but I thought you could get a EU visa. So for example if you get a visa to France, you can travel throughout all the EU. Have you thought about applying to another EU country?
                            Her problem is that she would need to justify to the other country why she wants to visit. It will look pretty bad if the person in question lives in another country.


                              wow, and I thought germany had given me a bad time with visas already. at least brazilians can enter european union for the first 3 months without need of a visa, we just need a visa if we want to stay longer than 3 months, and thats when i had trouble! but hang in there. i was sent back to brazil some times by the german government, but now me and my SO got married I already got a 1 year visa, that will be renewed without problems annually (and on the third year married i can apply for a german citizenship).

                              It is hard, being rejected for visas is no fun. been there. *hugs*

                              but if you said you were going to visit a boyfriend maybe thats why they rejected you. you can't tell them this or they will think you want to stay in germany and will create obstacles for you. when i arrived back in germany in december they saw i had a previous german student visa, so they saw i lived in germany already, and asked me what i wanted to do here, i told them i was going to visit some friends i met the year i lived here, for vacations, not for one second i told them i came back to germany to be with my SO and that we would get married soon. they let me go really easily, and with a smile on their faces, while they were creating problems for a brazilian family next to me, and i helped translate for them so they could go through passport control (the fact i spoke german to them, even though my german isn't perfect might have helped)
                              our story.


                              02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                              "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

