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Sh*t s stirrers on Facebook vent

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    Sh*t s stirrers on Facebook vent

    Yesterday, my SO was going through fb friend requests when this one person tried to add him. I thought i knew her (she has the same name as my sisters friend) and so he added her. When i looked on his facebook i then realised i didnt know this girl. We thought it was innocent so just left it. The profile did look fake though.

    So today, i was just on fb and i saw she had posted a comment on my SO's status, OPENLY flirting with him! I decided to check out her account and it just so happens that this girl is living right where Sud will be moving to. This really pissed me off. Someone is obviously trying to stir stuff between us and its really really annoying me They think us being so far apart will cause me and him to fight and me to second guess him, when that'd never happen in a million years.
    They used his status about him moving here to put into their info as to where they work, and said they like drawing and stuff, looking for the perfect guy. I know this is just a fake account but still...

    I have a few good guesses of who this could be (i have some jealous 'friends'), but why do people do this? Why?! ARGH! We're leaving the account on there to see if we can find out who it is really, but seriously this level of childish-ness just amazes me

    When i find out who this is... All hell will break loose.... They have caught me at a bad time of month too... -.-


    facebook is nothing but drama, i finally just closed my account out.
    im tired of dealing with it.
    u cant trust anyone on facebook, i wouldnt mess with it
    if i was u, id just block the profle and be done with it.
    or just stop using facebook all together.
    its casued nothing but problems.

    good luck to u anyway
    on finding out the bogus page.


      Why let it get to you? Thats what this person wants. Delete the person, it doesn't matter who it is, and move on.


        I use facebook to keep in touch with old high school friends and keep in touch with people like his friends and family. I only add people i know and delete the ones who bug me.

        It just bugs me that someone i thought was a friend is trying to do this, and being so childish about it. And seemingly doing it without reasons.


          Facebook is honestly such a nightmare for relationships, especially long distance ones! 10 years ago, no-one had to see photos of their SO with their ex, old messages from their ex, their ex with friends etc... It can cause so much drama if people let it

          Everything is so accessible and you can find out so much about a person you've never even met.

          Its good you and your SO have spoken about it though. If you know who it is, keep them at a distance! I can't stand people who try to split other couples up, its so childish!


            I've never had any drama go down on facebook and I have never had anyone approach me about either of the long-distance relationship I made "facebook official" with any negativity. Overall I find it a great medium for planning events with school groups and connecting with my peers.

            It consistently blows my mind how some people decide that facebook, of all places, is THE place to start drama, and how people insist on starting drama at all. Bunch'a drama queens! Get rid of them.
            Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
            Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
            Engaged: 09/26/2020


              Just delete the person and move on.


                I think you should simply block and delete them, honestly. What they want is a reaction; don't give them the satisfaction of one! People like these don't need a reason to stir up trouble - they're jealous, manipulative and yes, as you said, childish. You don't have to waste a moment of your time on trying to smoke out the rat. Whoever it is, (s)he really isn't worth it


                  Originally posted by Xanahtas View Post
                  I use facebook to keep in touch with old high school friends and keep in touch with people like his friends and family. I only add people i know and delete the ones who bug me.

                  It just bugs me that someone i thought was a friend is trying to do this, and being so childish about it. And seemingly doing it without reasons.
                  There was an article not long ago on Yahoo about a guy who completely lived for like 3 months or 6 months or a year or something with no social media. He discovered that of all the hundreds of people that he was friends with on Facebook, only a handful of them were actually worth keeping around in his REAL life. Facebook gives a virtual semblance of friendship and a synthetic feeling of closeness. But I think we all know who our real friends are on there. Make a note of how to get in touch with the important people, and let the others go.


                    Originally posted by LoveL View Post
                    There was an article not long ago on Yahoo about a guy who completely lived for like 3 months or 6 months or a year or something with no social media. He discovered that of all the hundreds of people that he was friends with on Facebook, only a handful of them were actually worth keeping around in his REAL life. Facebook gives a virtual semblance of friendship and a synthetic feeling of closeness. But I think we all know who our real friends are on there. Make a note of how to get in touch with the important people, and let the others go.
                    This is absolutely true. On some level. I am NOT friends with hundreds of people on Facebook, and I REGULARLY delete people I don't interact with. I use Facebook to keep up on what's going on in the day to day lives of my friends that I quite simply, do not have the time to do when I'm not in front of the computer - there's nothing wrong with this, it's just how technology is changing our lives. My cousin? Busy mom of two who lives in LA? Can't get her on the phone, can't get through email but you can get her through Facebook. The easiest way to get in touch with some important people IS Facebook. Furthermore, because of Facebook I get to have interesting conversations with acquaintances or people I went to grade school with, who I wouldn't otherwise and because of adult common interests, we have rekindled friendships.

                    That being said, delete her, forget about it, move on.


                      Deleted them, blocked them, so hopefully no more hassel. Id love to know which sad act decided to do this. Some people have way to much time on their hands


                        People do this kind of thing because they are bored mostly. Glad you deleted them, they can only cause a problem if you let them. My SO had this chick on his who had to comment after me whenever we interacted on there. I remember him complaining how cold it was so i suggested he came to the UK to escape the snow and she told him to come to Texas instead. I thought it was funny and made jokes about his stalker but he found her creepy as he only added her for a game and never talked to her so he deleted her.

                        Facebook is only an issue if you let it become one.
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          Originally posted by Xanahtas View Post
                          They think us being so far apart will cause me and him to fight and me to second guess him, when that'd never happen in a million years.

                          agree x1000

                          the girl (you know who) is at it again... and on FACEBOOK. it is sooo immature. for example, the SO had a picture up of a pizza with an egg on it, and i commented saying "is that an egg?! of all things to put on a pizza lol" or words to that effect. and the SO put a sarcastic comment with "yes..." and throughout our lil convo on there (we werent arguing, we talk like best friends sometimes heh) she liked his comments. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

                          obviously i spoke to the SO and said "this is the part where you say you dont care" ... he replied with "yer, that x" heh.

                          but it is like she thinks that now we are long distance, she can get at him? like each time he comes down he sees her first. i think she thinks this is because he likes her more or something... (he told me it is actually to get it out of the way with heh)

                          stupid people -.-

                          id gladly delete facebook any day... sadly it is one of the only forms of communication we have when he is in the library or we cba to go onto skype :P


                            Facebook = evil!

                            Hahaha but my advice delete! It is Just gonna drive you crazy keeping that person on!

                            For me It's a love hate thing..! Its like a vent'ing machine for me People always tell me that I use it too much.. But actually, when things really bother me, I won't put it on Facebook.. people where surprised how long it took me before I put my sadness about my missing SO on it..

                            But I also got jealous a couple of weeks ago because of a girl on FB that 'liked' everything my SO did, and if he had a serten feeling, she had the same feeling.. So annoying! Thank god she doesn't do that anymore, and know we are 'friends' on FB, because I send her a message when my SO was missing. And she started telling her life story and added me on FB. Still don't trust her though, but she seems nice
                            \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
                            \\ happens for a reason //

                            \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

                            \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
                            \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                              @Megfashion - That must have driven you mad! I've been in that situation a couple of times but not on such a large scale, eventually it stopped tho Id gladly delete it, but its how i keep in touch with my SO's parents, my old friends, people i dont see much who live miles away, so im kinda of stuck having to use it!
                              At least this person is deleted now. Im just waiting for another fake account to pop up! XD

