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Trust Issues

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    Trust Issues

    As you all know trust is very important in a relationship and even more important in a LDR. How do you get someone to trust you?
    it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for

    I wish I could give some better advice, but hopefully this will help anyway. The most I can tell you is to try not to take it personally and have patience with her. Lots of patience. I say this because I'm often very much feeling like your girlfriend does in my own relationship. Even after almost 9 months together and my boyfriend has NEVER cheated on me I still have issues in completely trusting him. For me it's not aimed at him specifically, it's about being in a relationship in general and my need to protect myself from potentially getting hurt, and perhaps it's the same for your girlfriend, especially if she has been hurt like that in the past. It sounds like you do talk to her about it, but I would recommend trying to keep it calm and not let it turn into a fight since that probably only makes her more apprehensive around you and evn more on edge that you'd get so frustrated with her that it would lead to you finding interests in other girls. I'm not saying that's what you WOULD do, but I am saying such fears could possibly be on her mind if she feels like you're fighting about it all the time. I know patience is difficult but it's the best advice I can offer; even after all this time my boyfriend is still patient with me but I can tell he is growing weary of my doubt and I too need to being so guarded. Perhaps trying to strike a deal with her would help that if she worked more on having more faith in you then you take the time to show her more patience and maybe even do more small things on your own to prove to her how much she means to you.


      Being in the same situation as your girlfriend I understand completely what she's going through. I've been with my guy for almost 3 years and we just barely became long distance and I still get those thoughts from time to time. It does take time to get over and just be patient with her that's the most important thing. The trust will slowly build up as your relationship grows and causing fights over it doesn't make her feel any better, it just reinstates her feeling of you might cheat on her because it sounds like you get defensive when it's brought up.

      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


        My boyfriend and i have been together just over a year, and he has never done me wrong (that i know of) and i still have those feelings. If you love her, you will learn how to cope an ease through these things just by being reassuring often. My boyfriend has it down to a science LOL be very loving and don't be afraid to repeat yourself in telling her that she is all you want and need and that you don't even SEE other girls. It's hard on both ends of that tunnel, but you guys will be able to overcome it or learn to deal with it like pros if you really want to.


          As everyone has already said be patient and understanding.
          Also you could try your best to show how much she means to you, and how much you trust her.
          That's the only things i can come up with.

          Good luck!


            how long were her previous reletionships?
            i have been in a 2 year reletionship before now and it took like over a year for me to fully trust him, it was around 6 months when i trusted my SO that i am with now fully.
            5 months isnt long, and a fear of being betrayed is not something you can talk about and deal with, it constantly crops up and until she trusts you fully in all other aspects of life.. it wont be fully dealt with
            theres nothig you can physically do that is a quick fix, only time and proving what you said to her about not cheating to be true will end this conflict. try not to fight about it, love is pateint remember

