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Question about sex/fidelity and compromise

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    Question about sex/fidelity and compromise

    So, my situation is a little strange. I met my boyfriend about nine months ago when I was studying in Costa Rica. We've been in touch ever since, and about three months ago it became serious and exclusive. We both decided to stay loyal to one another, made easier by the fact that the plan was for me to go visit him in August for a few months and do some volunteer work.

    But last night we had a conversation about me at least finishing my work at the JC. He was very supportive about my decision and understanding of my feelings of needing to get at least some sort of degree before I take time off of school. That way, I can go visit him for an undecided amount of time, and not feel like I need to hurry back home. I only have one more semester, which means that the plan now is for me to go see him end of December, beginning of January. But that's another eight months away, and he brought up to me that he was uncomfortable with that in terms of not having sexual contact for that long.

    It kind of threw me for a loop and I didn't know what to say.

    The conversation didn't go very far because I didn't have a clear idea of what I felt and wanted to say, and I felt like this was a pretty serious conversation, I should know exactly what and how I am willing to compromise. But I still don't. Part of me understands where he's coming from. I understand he's a man, I understand that he's a Latin man who's a scuba instructor on a catamaran for tourists, so he obviously meets girls every single day. I understand that it's been hard for him since things have gotten serious and exclusive. Part of me wants to compromise and allow him to do what he needs to do, as long as he's honest about it.

    And the other half of me say $*%# THAT! I do not want to think about him with other girls, I don't want to think about sharing intimacy, and if he did something and told me about it, I think I would break down. I think that that would really shake my stability. But if he did something and did not tell me about it, and I found out, (which I always do...) that would be even worse. I would break down, as well as feel horribly betrayed and lied to.

    I'm just so conflicted. How do I make this work? What kind of compromise can be made that is comfortable for both of us? How do I express myself to him without sounding needy and possessive?

    I should also mention that this is the first serious relationship I've had in a while (and it just happens to be long distance...) due to the fact that relationships freak me out. I usually hate feeling this way, I want to be able to do I want and I let people do what they want. It's been a long time since I've had to tell someone how I feel and what my needs are, and to compromise...

    Has anyone ever had to make a compromise about openness in their LDR? Or what are some ways to...non-violently express my needs to him?

    My opinion would be that whilst it would be hard, it's doable. And that if you need monogamy, regardless of where you are in the world, you deserve a partner that respects that.
    To the best of my knowledge, he has two hands.

    I imagine that he's fine with you also having partners? Would you though? If you had the opportunity would you take it or would this end up one sided? Would you want full disclosure or no disclosure? What happens if it takes away from talk time?

    The best thing to do is to put firm rules in place. Both of you need to understand what's ok and what isn't.

    Look up dan savage on youtube. Most of my poly/open/monogamish knowledge comes from him lol. He makes it seem less threateneing.

    ---------- Post added at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

    My opinion would be that whilst it would be hard, it's doable. And that if you need monogamy, regardless of where you are in the world, you deserve a partner that respects that.
    To the best of my knowledge, he has two hands.

    I imagine that he's fine with you also having partners? Would you though? If you had the opportunity would you take it or would this end up one sided? Would you want full disclosure or no disclosure? What happens if it takes away from talk time?

    The best thing to do is to put firm rules in place. Both of you need to understand what's ok and what isn't.

    Look up dan savage on youtube. Most of my poly/open/monogamish knowledge comes from him lol. He makes it seem less threateneing.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      My SO and I were in an open relationship until we closed the distance. It worked fine for us. I was my SO's first real relationship. All the other ones were one night stands, booty calls, or fuck buddies (for lack of a better word). So I in no way expected him to cut sex completely out of his life, when sex was 90% of his life. I saw other people, he saw other people. We never told each other about who we were "dating". We talked about our days, and excluded parts about dates. Now we're monogamous and happy too. It can work, but it has to be the right people


        I guess it can work, lucybelle is an example of that. But it can only work if it's something you're both happy and comfortable with that you can both agreen upon.

        If it's not something you want, let him know. Don't feel forced into it, because then it will only be of benefit to him, and that's a total disregard for how you feel about the situation. Just because he's a man, does not mean he needs to have sex all the time. Women have high sex drives too, so that's no excuse. If you can control it for him, he should be able to control it for you. That's part of being in an LDR and being in love, you sacrifice some things because in the long run, it will benefit your relationship. And if you're in love with someone... why would you want to have sex with other people anyway?

        I feel that if this makes you uncomfortable but you still go ahead with it, you're just going to resent him for wanting this and it might tear you apart.

        Personally... in my opinion, if my boyfriend ever said that to me I could never look at him the same, and it would actually put a dent in my trust for him. I know I wouldn't be able to handle it.


          can he not come visit you? Can you not visit him over the summer, just not for several months? You said you want to finish the next semester, are you going over the summer as well? If not, either take some time to go see him, or the two of you need to decide how serious you are. If he is already talking about a lack of sex, maybe he is just scared?
          everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


            Hard, but doable is the best way to describe it.

            You do need FIRM rules about it though, if that´s what you decide to do. My SO, Miguel, and I began our relationship as open as well (Oh, latin men ;P <3) and it wasn´t too bad for us. Contrary to Lucybelle, we decided that we DID want to know everything the other did with other people. For the most part it was okay, but Miguel started getting secretive about a particular girl, and that caused a bit of trouble for us. Not, however, because he was hooking up with her, but because he was hiding it from me when we had decided already to tell each other.

            Another problem that we had with it though, was that Miguel was my first sexual partner, but I was not his. During the time we were open, I had a few opportunities to take advantage of it, but I couldn´t do it. It´s something I never expected to feel, but I really liked that Miguel was my "first and only" :P So while Miguel didn´t have that holding him back, I did, so it made the "openness" factor a little unbalanced in our relationship. I think you really need to have that balance if you want it to work out perfectly.

            We are closed now, but I wouldn´t tell people not to do it. Sex and love are not always the same thing, and for the right people, it can definitely work out great! I think it´s especially good for long distance couples, because it takes some of the pressure off of missing sex, and I guess it makes it easier to stay together because of that. Whatever you decide, good luck! I hope it works out for the best for you!

            "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
            -Miguel De Cervantes

            Read our story HERE


              Originally posted by Zephii View Post
              My opinion would be that whilst it would be hard, it's doable. And that if you need monogamy, regardless of where you are in the world, you deserve a partner that respects that.
              To the best of my knowledge, he has two hands.
              ^ This.

              I don't believe in, "He's a man, he has needs." It's all social stigma. Women have these desires, too! :P

              You aren't needy. You are allowed to be possessive. Being long-distance only exacerbates the issue. If you aren't comfortable with him sharing himself with others, then he, as your partner, should respect that, and you should express this to him. You might consider phone/skype sex with him if you don't already do it, as a means to cope with lack of sexual closeness.
              Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
              Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
              Engaged: 09/26/2020


                Yeah he has said that he would understand if I was with someone else, he'd be jealous, but would understand. The thing is, I don't really want anyone else. Which is WEIRD for me. Just sex means nothing to me, I want to be with the person that I love and respect and trust who I connect with. I know that if I told him it was okay for him to do what he needs to do, it would just be him. I know I'd be sitting at home wondering whether he was with someone right now. But I'm afraid to come off like I'm asking too much of him by saying, 'Don't have any sex for the next eight months'

                Thanks for the videos, I'm going to watch them and try and keep an open mind about everything. It's just so hard, I've never had to deal with anything like this before :/


                  Did you guys just have one night stands and booty calls or were you actually seeing other people on a regular basis?


                    If you're not completely ok with an open relationship, you shouldn't have to compromise. People have all sorts of urges that they're able to control, and the longer a person goes without sex, the less they think about it. It wouldn't really make sense for us to function any other way! It's hard on both people to push down those urges initially, but it does get easier.

                    I don't want to sound like I'm against open relationships, if you can find a way to make it work, it's definitely possible. You just have to be definite in your rules, and be completely sure that it's what you want. But as someone who has the same sort of concerns as what you've said, I could never be with someone who didn't respect my wishes if I wanted monogamy and they didn't.

                    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                      Originally posted by jmay292 View Post
                      Yeah he has said that he would understand if I was with someone else, he'd be jealous, but would understand. The thing is, I don't really want anyone else. Which is WEIRD for me. Just sex means nothing to me, I want to be with the person that I love and respect and trust who I connect with. I know that if I told him it was okay for him to do what he needs to do, it would just be him. I know I'd be sitting at home wondering whether he was with someone right now. But I'm afraid to come off like I'm asking too much of him by saying, 'Don't have any sex for the next eight months'
                      This tells me you shouldn't do it.
                      There's nothing wrong with saying "don't have sex for the next eight months". There's nothing wrong with being needy - or being safe. The best intentions and the best of protection can still fall through- every time he takes a partner he puts himself and you at risk, and there's always a chance however slight that one of his partners will fall pregnant.
                      If you're not getting anything from it except possibly preventing him leaving or cheating, then he's not worth it. (imo)

                      There will be other times in your lives you cant have sex (for medical reasons, possibly). And you will want a man who can stand by you for that.

                      How do you feel about prostitutes? Whou you be more comfortable if it was a paid service instead?
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                        To the best of my knowledge, he has two hands

                        There is absolutely no need for him to go & have booty calls, and fuck buddies (as lucybelle put it )
                        if he's dating you. I just don't get that. My boy has a sex drive too but he refrains from calling any of the girls he hooked up with before we started dating because he knows he'd be saying good bye to me if he did. I.. I just don't get why you would do something like that.
                        If he can't stay faithful LD, why would he stay faithful CD? For me, it would be no question & it's pretty clear you're not comfortable with it either.
                        You have every right to be possessive (you're not being needy, you're being possessive with very good reason). Every girl is possessive of their man & that just gets magnified when it's an LDR. I don't know. I'm obviously very biased & I can't give you advice because it'd be a no-brainer for me. Good luck, darling. I'm sorry he's put you in this position. xx


                          Originally posted by jmay292 View Post
                          Did you guys just have one night stands and booty calls or were you actually seeing other people on a regular basis?
                          For my SO, his whole LIFE was booty calls. jaja Like I said, we never spoke on details, but I assume it was random bar chicks. Maybe he saw a few of them more than once, but never more than a month at a time. I know that for sure. But I was sort of regularly seeing the same guy. It was a guy I kind of had a thing for before, so we continued to hook up. I also saw other people too, some one night stands, but mostly the same guy. Eventually I decided I didn't want to see anyone else anymore. So I stopped. My embarrassing story is lying in the bed next to a man I just had sex with, bursting into tears and yelling "I'M IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER MAN" jajajajaja!


                            It takes a special and trusting couple to engage in an open relationship. Not all of us are cut out for it. I for one, am definitely not. I could not share my man with anyone else under any situation.

                            Do not feel selfish or guilty about not wanting an open relationship. He should respect that. If he doesn't, you need to get rid of him.
                            "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                              Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                              My opinion would be that whilst it would be hard, it's doable. And that if you need monogamy, regardless of where you are in the world, you deserve a partner that respects that.
                              To the best of my knowledge, he has two hands.

                              I imagine that he's fine with you also having partners? Would you though? If you had the opportunity would you take it or would this end up one sided? Would you want full disclosure or no disclosure? What happens if it takes away from talk time?

                              The best thing to do is to put firm rules in place. Both of you need to understand what's ok and what isn't.

                              Look up dan savage on youtube. Most of my poly/open/monogamish knowledge comes from him lol. He makes it seem less threateneing.
                              This made me very curious and I went to look Dan Savage up. In this video he addresses open relationships in an LDR.

