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Just in need of someone to talk to :(

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    Just in need of someone to talk to :(

    Hey guys, I've come to this forum because I'm feeling really lousy tonight and could use some kind words I just feel like my life is at a standstill right now. I have a dissertation to write which is going nowhere and I feel angry at myself for not working hard enough towards it. Plus I miss my SO like crazy - I spoke to him today and he's become ill, which makes the distance feel even worse. I just want to talk to him, but it's 5.37am where he is and he needs his rest.
    Sorry for the moan, I just wanted some comfort

    I know how you feel, I feel the same with writing my thesis!!!
    I really don't have any advice or anything!
    But for me it helps when I tell myself, that as soon as the thesis is finished, we are one step closer to our good future together!!!

    I wish I could help more!! sorry!!!
    I hope you'll feel better soon!


      I'm sorry that you're not feeling too great this evening. Don't get angry at yourself, it doesn't help anything (trust me, been there done that). Instead why not take a break? Go for a brisk walk outside (even just down the street helps me!) or indulge in something you love doing, like reading or playing a game. Just make sure you keep track of how long you spend-otherwise you'll find it's time for bed before you know it! (Happens to me all the time)

      If it makes you feel helpful (this usually does the trick for me) send your SO little notes telling him how much you care for him. My favorite are handwritten notes, but an email or a message online is just as good sometimes in LDRs.

      Hope you & your SO feel better soon!

      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
      Progress: Complete!

      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
      Progress: Working on it.


        Awe, I'm sorry.
        If you need to talk, I'm always available!


          Hang in there mate. Tough times don't last but tough people do!
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            I'm with ya there tonight, distance seems to be getting the best of us. At least things can only get better when they are at their worst.


              Sorry to hear that!

              Hope he feels better soon! Best of luck on the paper!


                Thank you for the kind words everyone I'm feeling a lot better today and my SO is on antibiotics so he should be on the mend soon. I think I was just having a low point last night


                  I've been stressed lately due to all the requirements I have to complete this semester(it ends soon).
                  And my SO is going into surgery, again.
                  (Hopefully, this is the last time he gets surgery for his condition)

                  Also, it was Daylight Savings Time a few days back and his timezone is now 13 hours behind me instead of 14, and I realized that it actually meant less talk time with him.

                  You're not the only one going through tough times. We're here for you.
                  And you can always talk to any of us!

                  Joined in 2012. Restarted in 2017!

