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how often do you talk?

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    We text every day, occasional facebook and email messages but we only talk once a week (usually a Monday or Tuesday) and speak for around 3 hours, we got 6 hours time difference so I'm usually really tired after our phone calls, but hey I can be tired for the next day i dont mind x

    "A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way"

    First visit 23/08/2012 - 05/09/2012
    Second visit scheduled May 2013
    Ended relationship August 2013


      Since the day we met, we've gone maybe 3 days in total where we didn't talk to each other every single day, and those 3 days were in the very beginning. Since then, we're lucky to be able to talk for several hours every day. Our record Skype session was just set at something like 18 hours (granted, some of those hours were spent sleeping) and we've had phone conversations go into the 7-8 hour range. We're so spoiled. I love it.


        We pretty much talk all day long except for when we are in class and when he works =) Usually either texting or talking on the phone


          We talk for about 30-45 min at night before bed and tell each other about our day. We don't ever text during the day though. We're both really independent and not clingy so we do really well being apart, but we love each other very much and it's always so great when we see each other


            Before the incident with my parents, we'd talk from about 5 pm. to 11:30 or so. Then he'd send me a message wehn he woke up in the morning and I'd (usually) check it around 10:00 am. We'd talk for a few minutes and then I'd have to go. We were really lucky we got to talk s omuch. We're just now getting in the swing of talking again so I'm not sure how often we'll talk now..


              We talk on the phone once a week for about an hour...we'd both love more contact, but he has no internet access which leaves skype out and the phone calls to his country are very expensive..

              If we didn't have all the roadblocks to talking, I could see us talking least just to catch up in the night


                We try to aim at some form of daily contact, even if it's just a text to say good night. He's not a big Internet user, so we rarely talk online (if we do it's on Facebook or VERY occasionally it will be Skype. I would love to be able to do Skype calls, but unfortunately his computer and Skype don't seem to get along very well.) So we're mostly phone based. Fortunately neither of us are really into having long phone conversations every night, or even talking every night...sometimes he'll get drunk and fall asleep early, or I'll go hang out with friends until late, or whatever. On average we probably talk from 30-60 minutes every other night or so, though sometimes there are stretches where we talk everyday and sometimes we don't talk for a few days and only text. Though to be fair, our separations aren't as long as some of yours are so usually it's not TOO bad.


                  We are alittle spoiled in this, we are in constant textual communication besides school and work :P We also skype for atleast an hour every night
                  Chris and Molly
                  Age 19 and 19
                  NJ and Missouri
                  Almost 10 months together
                  Anniversary: May 26, 2011
                  Next visit date: July 18, 2012


                    A lot lol. We text usually all throughout the day and then talk at least once a day on the phone... usually two or three times. We only have an hour time difference so it works out well for us. He works nights so he will call me on his lunch (sometime around midnight or so) and then again around 5:30am when he gets home before he goes to sleep. We'll usually talk once more sometime during the day before he goes to work. Weekends we talk a lot more on the phone. We are both a bit spoiled in communication LOL


                      I talk to him every day! And sometimes i think talking too much a day is bad because you might get annoyed or conversations get boring. In life i believe that you have to have a balance. You should talk enough that you still talk everyday but not over doing it that the person feels smothered like they can't do anything because they will not have free time because of their own relationship. Balance its all about the balance.


                        Me and my SO txt all day everyday unless we are really busy working. Other than that we barely talk on the phone so we miss hearing each others voice. So we would record a convo and send it to each other.


                          i talk to my SO everynight online,
                          and on the weekends.

                          I have such a great connection with him.
                          i never want to lose it either.


                            Becasue my SO works nights we're often on opposite our daily thing is texting throughout the day and we get face time about once or twice a week. It's what works for us.
                            "She is motivated by love. The world moves for love - it kneels before it in awe."


                              We always talk daily, usually texting during the evenings when she can't come online, and then chatting on Facebook earlier in the day. I don't know how much is it in total, but it might be like an hour or two, sometimes more or less.
                              "Everyone smiles in the same language."


                                Every Day. All the time. Text, phone, e-mail or skype, we're always in constant contact with each other.
                                We do occasionally have to stop and take breaks to do other stuff SOMETIMES. But otherwise it's a constant thing.

