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Tearful times!

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    Tearful times!

    The heartache hit me out of nowhere as I was eating an apple. One moment I'd been munching away and laughing with my mum, the next my eyes were welling up and I couldn't swallow for the lump of sorrow which had lodged in my throat. What triggered it? The sudden remembrance of a temporary nickname my SO gave me once, Apple Woman, because apples are the fruit I eat most often.

    All I seem to do these days is cry!

    From baby animals to small children, fine weather to a beautiful piece of classical music on the radio, everything sets me off. I've always been the sort of person who wears her heart on her sleeve - and I know that my feelings can be pretty powerful - but over the past six months or so I've been finding it more and more difficult to keep the tears in check. Half the time I'm not even sad as such, there's just so much emotion under the surface. I think this LDR is taking its toll in hidden ways; although I seem to cope well with the distance on an everyday basis, inside I'm a mess!

    Has anyone else found they've become more emotional than they used to be since starting their relationship?

    Defineatly! I cry over loads now. I used to just bottle everything up and then it would all finally just become to much when it came to that time of the month ( ) and I'd end up crying for ages! Now though, I cry over loads of things, even just silly little things! I honestly don't know where all of the tears come from hahah I was crying last night because he's going away to his dad's for a few days - we'll still be able to talk pretty much the same - but I ended up getting some comfort food which ended up being cookies, crisps and a mixing bowl full of coco pops and chocolate milk from the coco pops. He thought I was joking too (I think), until he asked me if I was being serious, at which point my eyes were actually welling up and I ended up crying into my coco pops which resulted in my leaving the rest of them because they tasted salty! I don't know why I got so upset over it - I'm still upset that he's going away now, just not upset to the point of tears! haha - I guess it's because it feels as though he really is going away, because I won't hear the familiar things in the background like his mam and sister, the door downstairs (it makes an awful loud noise), his dog barking, his uncle calling him when he pops round... Also, we also say 'here' as in both of our homes. So it feels like he's not going to be 'here' with me, but like he really is going away because of allt he different things that are going to be happening in the background and the difference in how much/when we can talk. As Thomas would say "Your such a cry baby" - and it's true, I am!


      if you could hear me as i read both of the posts here already, you would notice that i laughed. i laugh because it's true. i laugh because i am right there with you. it's absurd how emotional i am about everything.

      i'm always emotional (i like to say that i cry enough for the both of us... and i do.) i know i'll cry when i see him at the airport on friday morning, and i for sure will cry on my way back sunday evening. last time i left him i broke down after he couldn't see me any more (tried to keep him from feeling worse about the leaving again) and then the whole trip home i was just miserable. i even splurged on a shamrock shake from mcdonalds and it didn't help me feel better. i have a feeling this visit will be the same. luckily we know exactly when we'll get to see each other again, so hopefully the tears won't be as bad... (who am i kidding, they'll fall just as much.)

      i'm very glad i found LFAD.

      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
      Progress: Complete!

      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
      Progress: Working on it.


        for the first 2 years of being LD i was indeed a lot more emotional than before when we were CD or even now, even though we're still LD. it was very weird how that transition phase was hard, and with the added stress of a degree to finish it was like i had volcanos in my eyes that would just burt without giving prior signals, and that at the slightest thing! i think it's normal, especially if you are not the kind of person that keeps on complaining about being apart and don't exteriorise too much. i guess it's a way for your body/subconcious to deal with it and not exploding, or thats what i keep telling my self

        hang in there
        Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
        And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
        ~Richard Bach

        “Always,” said Snape.


          Yes, im starting to feel the same way.
          I cry at all times randomly.
          The distance is really taking its toll on me.
          I love alex enough to stay around.
          I wish just time would go by faster,
          so we can end this long distance.


            Gosh yes! It makes me feel like im crazy or insane, because randomly i'll cry. No reason to, and it will be later after I had a good day or we talked or such, but if something sets me off. I'll be watching something, or reading something and then im all emotional or teary, and then sometimes i'll just cry. Been like that sometimes before but it's a lot worse after his last visit. More things remind me of him. Like this one commercial when I see it, or just yeah... I can relate lol
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              Being in an LDR is about the same as PMSing every single day. It's constantly emotional, you feel like anything could set you off, junk food is REALLY appealing, and some nights all you want to do is just lay in bed and forget there's a world out there.

              The sadness seems to come and go in waves; you can go for a week or two where you can handle the distance and everything is fine. Then out of the blue, BAM. You feel like every part inside of you is crumbling into pieces and you find yourself sitting in the shower chewing on a rag (ok, maybe not THAT bad). I know how you feel, my dear. My SO does too. We've gone through the process of feeling more emotional than usual because of the LDR and the fact that we can't just have each other in our arms righthererightnow. The thing to remember is that while those moments of complete and utter heart-wrenching sadness feel like they'll last forever, they don't. They'll pass, just like they always do, and you'll go back to feeling that wonderful all-consuming exciting love for them that takes you over when you're not bogged down with missing them.

              Toilet paper has become my nose's new best friend (why I don't just buy the Kleenex lotion tissues so I don't get under-nose skin flakes from all the wiping and blowing, I don't know...).




                  Originally posted by lademoiselle View Post


                    Oh, girl, don't even get me started. My big thing (if you read my blogs, you know I'm addicted to music) is music. There are four songs that make me bawl if I'm not careful. "Pain" Three Days Grace (he quoted the lyrics to me); "If You Only Knew" Shinedown (same); "I'm Already There" Lonestar (military song); and "Soldiers" Drowning Pool (one of his favorite songs).
                    I'm defintely a lot more emotional than I use to be, and it sucks. >.< I can't watch a romantic movie without bawling my eyes out. And now, talking about it, I'm starting to. I hate this.

                    Originally posted by lademoiselle View Post
                    Yes, please.


                      Originally posted by LoveJ View Post
                      Yes Please to this too!!

                      I'm an emotional wreck since being in my current relationship, I used to be someone who was quite chilled out in previous relationships, but my SO now is so important to me! The long-distance just made me a billion times worse!! I had to take a poster down from my wall which he bought me (its very rare, and I had spent ages trying to find it myself!) a couple of weeks ago because I got emotional every time I looked at it! I mean WHAT is that about?!

                      And I had to tell him to stop sending me things in the post because I just cried everytime I saw his handwriting!!!!!

                      Much Love and thank the heavens for LFAD!!!!


                        Yes, I never used to cry like I do these days, and it's ridiculous because I have almost no control over it!


                          This is so true !
                          a particular song or memory that gets randomly trigger can turn into a waterworks session xD


                            I am such a sap because of my relationship! I used to cry every night for the first several months, but that has since subsided. I do still get pretty emotional and I notice that I've gotten more sensitive because of my relationship.

                            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                              Just yesterday I balled my eyes out in the parKing garage at school cause I got upset I wasn't able to call my so after getting a driving ticket...... It's really silly now that I think about it but pyrene like when you have a bad day they're the one person you wish could be around.

