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Happy, but also extra sad...

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    Happy, but also extra sad...

    Last year, I met my SO on his high school. I was there on a one week exchange program. This year, they're doing the same exchange, with both our schools. A good friend of me (who is two years lower than me) is going there now.

    My school planned half of the trip during the exchange school's spring break, so a lot of families are going on a trip. They have to switch from host families. My SO's teacher asked my SO if he could provide housing for one or two of them, and he said yes, of course.

    Now, in the end, my good friend goes there. She'll stay in his house, probably even in his room (he'll sleep on the couch). I've never been there, I'll visit next summer.
    As you can understand, I'm really happy for her because she'll be in a really nice family, but I'm also INCREDIBLY jealous that she'll be in his house before me...

    Just needed to vent, sorry!

    Aww, that sucks! I'm so sorry. Just keep your head up, sweetie! xx


      I think I would be soooo jealous too! so I can't give you any tips how to feel better! sorry!
      Just wanted to say that I totally understand how you feel!


        Aww sweetie, I'm sorry! I'm not surprised you feel the way you do, I daresay anyone would. Fate seems to take cruel little jabs at us like that sometimes, huh? Of course it was very good of your SO to offer to provide housing for a student; there's no way anyone could have predicted the said student would turn out to be someone you were close to. I think the way I would handle it is to try and treat the idea as you would have done had the student not been one of your friends; I'm sure your SO would be happy to take the same approach. If it helps, don't enter into conversation about the details of the exchange once it's over - I'm guessing you don't want the surprise of what your SO's place is like ruined by being told all about it in advance! Also - and before I say it, please know that I'm absolutely not saying you'd do this, just that I think it can happen even when we don't mean it to - try not to take out your disappointment on your friend or your SO. Ah, it's not an easy situation to be in, but stay strong. Before you know it, next summer will be here, and none of this will matter at all Best wishes x


          One bonus is that you could give her something to take for him and you might get a little surprise when she returns!


            Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
            One bonus is that you could give her something to take for him and you might get a little surprise when she returns!
            Well, that's a problem too. I wished that was the case. But her parents don't want her to travel with someone elses stuff, for security and safety reasons. I wanted to give him the 'Reasons I love you' book, but had to give it to the teacher instead (HOPE he doesn't read it!! I wrapped it though). And we both have the same teddybear, we wanted to swap them, but even that is not allowed! So that's a real shame, small chance that I'll get something back from him too, then.

            But thank you all sooo much for your support! I'm really trying to not show my sadness/jealousy to anyone, so glad I have you guys!


              Pfffffff I would die....

              Sterkte!! Het komt wel goed schatje
              \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
              \\ happens for a reason //

              \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

              \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
              \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                Oh goodness! That really does suck. I'm sorry. I would be pretty bummed about it as well.
                Just remember you'll be at his house someday and it will be amazing


                  Thank you!

                  Another girl just offered to take the teddybear there for me! I'm a bit happier now

