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Whose opinions matter to you?

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    Well, of course my opinion matters the most . But I always listen to what my boyfriend has to say because he's very smart and always has a unique perspective on things. When it comes to relationships, I always look to my best friend for her approval. She really cares about me, will fight to the death to protect me, and knows all my weaknesses and isn't afraid to tell me when I'm being stupid about something. Thankfully, she strongly approves of my SO .

    My family? Eh. Sometimes I don't feel like they pay close enough attention to things in my life for them to have a solid opinion. So I do listen to them, but at the same time I have to make the judgment call of whether their opinion has much weight behind it.


      My sister. She's amazing. She's the one person besides my SO who is truly there for me. She's my best friend.
      I do care what she thinks about him, but at the same time she's against being an a LDR. So I can't totally please her lol.


        Regarding my boyfriend, I care a lot about what his family and friends think of us - maybe even more than I do my own. I talk about him a fair amount to my mum, and I suppose she's supportive in her own way. My brother's still kind of young; as long as I come back after having taken a trip he isn't too bothered! My dad seems to think the worst of me no matter what I do, so... I haven't had many friends who've known about my boyfriend, but the ones who did never expressed an opinion as such.


          My friends' probably. If more than one of my friends told me that they didn't like my boyfriend, it would make me think. Not because I listen to everything they say or need their acceptance for what I do, but because sometimes people with an outside perspective see a lot more than you do.

          My mother is like lucybelle's, even if she didn't like my boyfriend, she would bite her tongue and not say anything, unless he was being an obvious asshole (probably, I haven't brought home obvious assholes yet).

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            Never really thought about it.

            It matters to me that my children like my SO for obvious reasons and it would be nice if the rest of my family like him to but they've always been really open to people so i don't think it's an issue.

            In general though, my SO's opinion means the most to me.
            As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


              Well first of all my opinion and the opinion of my SO to our relaionship are the most important. I also care about the opinion if his family and friends. As non of my people have met my SO I don't care that much what they are thinking. My dad has many stupid prejudices against my SO, so I give a f*** what he is thinking cause he doesn't kow him. Other than that everyone has an opinion but no one is telling me directly cause it's bad and I think they don't want to hurt my or my SO feelings. But as long as me and my SO are happy together, no other opinion counts!


                I listen to everyone's opinion about my SO because I learnt a few years back that people outside the relationship can see a lot of things that I can't when I have my rosey glasses on.

                But the one that matters most is my sister. I do feel like I need her aproval. Obi asked her for my hand in marriage, and she gave me away. If I did not have her blessing, I would have thought twice about this relationship.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  My family gives me their opinions but honestly what they think doesnt matter to me.
                  I know my SO is a great man. I dont need my dad talking bad about him.
                  I listen to their opinions, i just dont agree with them all.
                  So i tend to ingore what they say.

                  I hope that doesnt make me seem like a bad person.


                    My moms opinion matters the most <3


                      im like 50 % and like 25% italian :-| lol


                        My parents opinion matters the most! I want my brothers and sisters to give their approval too, but it's not necessary


                          For me, I'd have to say my SO and I's opinion about our relationship are the most important. Beyond that I would say the opinions my mom, grandparents and really close friend are important.

