She told me I should post this here because she really liked it. 

It's you. It's only you.
You're there, forever and always.
Anyone is a fool to see anything but pure beauty.
And you're here for all my days.
So what if the troublesome god separates us?
That of the might sea.
Through cables and radios we are always there,
I'm here for you, and you're here for me.
So what if our cuddles are just shown through a window?
And what if it's wires and tech?
What if it's just an image?
Who cares? I don't. Heck,
I love the girl on my screen right now.
Every freckle, mole and hair.
It's wonderful to feel your warm embrace,
but it stings when you aren't there.
You're there, forever and always.
Anyone is a fool to see anything but pure beauty.
And you're here for all my days.
So what if the troublesome god separates us?
That of the might sea.
Through cables and radios we are always there,
I'm here for you, and you're here for me.
So what if our cuddles are just shown through a window?
And what if it's wires and tech?
What if it's just an image?
Who cares? I don't. Heck,
I love the girl on my screen right now.
Every freckle, mole and hair.
It's wonderful to feel your warm embrace,
but it stings when you aren't there.