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Just need to talk to someone before I have a panic attack! x_x!!

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    Just need to talk to someone before I have a panic attack! x_x!!

    I'm ugghhh freaking out. So I am going to see him. 29 days from now. Against my parent's will, I used the money that I had saved up for taking my SO out when he gets here to get my passport.

    I'm just so anxious that they're going to do everything they can to stop me from going. My chest is physically hurting from it. I'm more anxious about them than meeting my SO for the first time. Yikes. >_<

    Sorry, but I have no one to talk to right now, and I feel like I need it. I don't know what to do to calm down, I've been like this for days.

    And yet... I will stop at nothing to see him.. ;~;

    I understand whet you're going through... Feel free to message me or add me on Skype... I know a thing or two about dealing with anxiety and panic attacks since my mom suffers from it

    “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


      That would be nice, it sometimes feels like no one I know understands what it's like. And my parents never talk about personal issues.. or much of anything that isn't "GO TO SCHOOL GET GOOD GRADES MAKE MONEY"

      I'm omnificrose on skype


        I can understand what you are feeling because I suffer of anxiety/panic attacks and it's not easy to deal with when ur in a ldr. With time you get a hang of things If you feel like u need someone to talk and ur parents are not available u can seek profesional help (psychologist , counselor etc) Also if you feel like ever talking pm me or add me on here. Good luck with everything.


          Originally posted by Amatory View Post
          That would be nice, it sometimes feels like no one I know understands what it's like. And my parents never talk about personal issues.. or much of anything that isn't "GO TO SCHOOL GET GOOD GRADES MAKE MONEY"

          I'm omnificrose on skype
          haha I feel you, my parents are the same although I'm turning 24 this year lol I can't talk to them about some things, especially with my dad about my SO. So I keep everything in me and sometimes I'm anxious too. but HEY you know what you WANT so be brave and get it
          ps. I hope you're 18 or older lol


            you need to talk to them to ease their fears. i can understand their pov, haveing a step daughter that is 18. have they talked to him? his parents? have they seen him on skype? have you given them his phone number and address? You have to stay calm when you discuss these things with them, otherwise they see you as this irrational child that isnt listening to their concerns.
            They are afraid something will happen to you over there and they will never see you again. They are afraid you will elope and never come back. They are afraid you wont finish school. If they realize you understand how they feel, they may start to see things differently.
            everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


              I love you guys. ;~;
              My SO and his parents are willing to talk to them on skype,, but mine are having none of it. I have been staying very calm when tryin gto talk to them about it, but they certainly arent.
              I tried to tell them I understand, but now all they've done is get quiet. I think that they believe I've given up on going, when in reality I've only given up on them.


                You're only 19, so they're having to deal with their little girl growing up and the inevitable odd period where they feel the need to continue to parent you like they always have while still trying to come to terms with how to give you freedom. Sometimes parents don't always know how to handle this the right way and their own personal need to still have their little girl will cloud they guidance of you as you need more responsibility and freedom and they will clamp down instead of letting you go.

                That being said, you're only 19 and since you live with them, I assume, you still need to respect their position. If they are just absolutely against you doing what you decide to do, then you can always move out and make your own rules. Just remember that the relationship you have with them is a lifelong relationship and something you can't undo. So you need to be absolutely sure about what you are doing with this LDR before you go against them and possible alienate yourself for nothing.

                You're an adult and you can make your own decisions. But you're also a young adult and you're still prone to making rash, emotion-based choices that aren't really keeping an eye on the long term.

                Keep talking to them and treat them with respect. Let them see your maturity. That's when they'll start to treat you more like an adult. Once they have the confidence that you can make these types of decisions on your own, and the right way, then it will make it easier for them to trust what you are doing without their approval or supervision.

